Jealous bunny

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Lisa POV

Lisa: Oh my gosh!!!

I parted myself from him

Jungkook: Why? What happened?

Lisa: I just got a message from Bambam saying that he's on his way here to see me!!!

I said excitedly

Jungkook: Oh your friend?

Lisa: Correction, BEST friend

Jungkook: Okay, come back here. I still wanna cuddle

Lisa: Okay, okay, my baby bunny

I hugged him again and he buried his face on my neck. I played with his hair and kissed his head

Jungkook: You won't leave me, right?

Lisa: Never, baby

Jungkook: You pwomise?

Lisa: Aish, why so cute? And yes, I promise you that

He looked at me and put his lips on mine. I smiled before kissing him back. His lips were so soft and sweet that's the reason why I love it. In the middle of kissing my phone rang. I pulled out and he groaned in annoyance

Lisa: Yes, Bam?

Bambam: [I'm already outside your mansion, Limario]

Lisa: Eh? Okay I'll be there in a sec

Bambam: [Be careful, you might get lost. Hehe just kidding]

Lisa: Tsk, this kid

We ended the call. He was about to kiss me again but I stopped him

Jungkook: Why? //pouts//

Lisa: Bambam is already here

Jungkook: Why? Is he your husband? No, right?

Lisa: Babe, let's just go

I held his hand and pulled him outside. I opened the gates

Lisa: Bammie!

Bambam: Wassup, Limario?

We hugged each other while one of my hand was still intertwined with Jungkook's hand. We heard him clear his throat so we let go of each other

Lisa: Bam, this is Jungkook my husband and Bunny, this is Bambam my best friend

They bowed at each other and shook their hands

Jungkook: It's nice to finally meet you Bambam hyung

Lisa: Babe, he's just four months older than you

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