The marriage will continue

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Lisa POV

I woke up in his embrace. As far as I know, we didn't sleep this way. How did I get in his chest?


Lisa: Fuck yes there ughhhhhhhhh fuck me there daddy ughhhhhhhhh!!

Jungkook: Ughhhh fuck! Is that the spot baby?

I nodded and he thrusted faster

LisKook: Ughhhhhhhhh!!!

Lisa: Daddy, I'm close! Fuck ughhhh!!!

Jungkook: Let's cum together baby

He thrusted faster and we came at the same time. He laid beside me while we're panting. After some seconds he hugged me and buried his face on my neck

Jungkook: Let's sleep like this

Lisa: No

Before he could say anything I faced him and also hugged him but his face is still buried on my neck

Lisa: Better, let's sleep like this

I felt him smile. I caress his hair

Jungkook: Good night Lisa

Lisa: Good night Jungkook

With that we both drifted off to dreamland

•End of flashback•

Nevermind. I tried to escape from his embrace but his hold tighten

Jungkook: Don't go, it's still early

Lisa: But we still have school and I need to take a shower

Jungkook: We can do that later

Lisa: We?

Jungkook: Yes, we can do that later, I wanna cuddle first

Lisa: Why are you behaving like this? Is it because you're already leaving me to marry her?

I looked down

Jungkook: Yah //cups Lisa's cheeks// I will never leave you just to marry someone else, unless you want me to

I glared at him while pouting

Jungkook: //bunny smile// You're cute when you do that

That bunny smile can make everyone fall in love with him. Yah Lisa, know your limitations, you're getting married for fuck and not for love. He brought my face to his and attached his lips on mine. We both held each other's faces while kissing passionately. After some seconds we both pulled out and put our foreheads together

Jungkook: Your breath stinks

He chuckled softly

Lisa: It's fine, your breath smells worse

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