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Jungkook POV

Jisoo: What happened?

I covered my face and tears streamed down from my eyes again

Jungkook: I shouldn't have drank so much that night! Fuck!

I pulled my hair in frustration and they were all still clueless

Jungkook: Guys, please just go home. I'll explain everything when I already can

They slowly nodded. They all patted my back before going. I wiped my tears and after some minutes I went to our bedroom. I slowly opened the door. I saw her lying down on our bed while hugging a pillow

Jungkook: Babe, what do you want for dinner? I'll cook

I managed to say casually even though deep inside I am so embarrassed for myself

Jungkook: Babe?

I went beside our bed. Her puffy eyes were closed. I sighed. I caressed her cheek with my thumb

Jungkook: I'm so sorry, baby. I'm  sorry because I am the worst person, the worst husband

My voice broke

Jungkook: You're right, my apologies wouldn't bring back what happened so I'm really really sorry. I am ready to face any punishment except losing you. I love you so so so much

I kissed her forehead and cheek before going downstairs

Jungkook: Now I don't know what I should cook

I sighed


After cooking I went back to our bedroom. She came from the bathroom and she's already in her pajamas

Jungkook: Let's go downstairs and eat, babe. I already cooked

Lisa: I'm not hungry and I don't have a plan to eat with you

Jungkook: Baby...

Lisa: If you want to eat that bad, eat by yourself

She is trying so hard not to shout

Jungkook: I can't eat without you beside me

Lisa: Do I look like a cutlery to you, Jungkook? Go eat by yourself, I'll go to sleep

Jungkook: Babe, you need to eat something before going to sleep

Lisa: I already said no, didn't I? What part of that can't you understand, huh? Just go and eat, I'm already tired

Jungkook: //sighs// If ever you feel hungry you can join me

I gave her a small smile when she nou. I quickly ran towards her and kissed her cheek

Jungkook: I love you

She didn't replied and laid down on our bed. She hugged a pillow and I fixed the blanket on her. I kissed the top of her head

Jungkook: Sleep tight, my baby, I love you

She didn't respond again. I went downstairs to eat my dinner. I finished half of my meal. I sighed and put our food on a container. I washed the dishes

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