For love and not for fuck

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(This would have many time skips because I'm lazy hehe)

Author POV

Jungkook: Then why did you asked me to let you go?

Yeri: You did that?!

Lisa: Sorry, that's how I'm planning to tell you

Lisa smiled and went to Jungkook who was glaring at her. She pecked his lips and hugged him tightly making his eyes soften

Lisa: I love you, I'm sorry

Jungkook: Don't you dare do that ever again. It hurt

Lisa: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Lisa pecked Jungkook's lips multiple of times before letting it stay there for some seconds

Yeri: PDA! We're inside a hospital not in a motel!

Lisa: That's how I say sorry to him

Lisa giggled and they both stood up. They stood beside Yeri's bed

Yeri: I'm so sorry. I totally understand if you can't forgive me

Jungkook: It already happened. Holding grudges wouldn't make a change of the past

Yeri: Thank you

Jungkook: I hope someday you would find happiness without hurting other people

Yeri: I hope so too

After 4 years...

Lisa: Congratulations to us, bunny!

Jungkook: Congrats to us, baby!

They hugged each other tightly. After some seconds they pecked each other's lips

Lisa's Mom: Lisa! Jungkook!

LisKook: Eomma!

Lisa's Mom: Congrats to the both of you! You survived college

LisKook: Thank you, eomma!

Lisa's Mom: Let's go then. The others are already on their way to the restaurant

Jungkook intertwined their hands and they went to their car. He drove to the restaurant

Jungkook: I'm proud of you

Lisa: We both achieved Latin honors, babe. So I'm proud of us. This dark circles under our eyes our very much worth it

Jungkook: I love you

Lisa: I love you

Jungkook: You graduated as a magna cum laude. Are you sure you would work as my secretary?

Lisa: Of course! A summa cum laude graduate should be the CEO

Jungkook: Are you really sure about that, babe?

Lisa: Yes, my dearest husband

Jungkook: Okay, it's your choice, my beloved wife

They looked at each other and smiled. They went out of the car when they arrived at the restaurant. They went inside and a worker immediately led them to a room. A worker opened the door and Jin and J-hope popped the party poppers

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