Don't leave me

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Jungkook POV

Shit! What have I done? Why did I said those things to her? I took my phone and looked at Sehun's message again

You're wife looks so hot on that
black mini skirt and black bralette. She also did a great
job sucking my dick and
riding me. Thanks for sharing

Fuck! He was lying. Lisa was wearing a silver mini skirt not black. I fucked up big time. I took her rings and bracelet and put those on the bed. I went to the bedroom she was in and knocked

Jungkook: Babe, I'm sorry!

I didn't heard any response

Jungkook: Baby, please open the door! I'm so sorry!

I continued knocking on the door. I can hear her cries. That means she's behind the door. Her cries was breaking my heart

Jungkook: Baby, please, I'm so sorry!

Lisa: Just go away, Jungkook, and marry that Kim Yerim!!

Jungkook: Baby, no, let me explain!!

Lisa: I said, go away!!!!!!!

I took the pillows and blankets from our room. I will sleep here in front of the door of this guest room. I wiped my tears. I hope she would forgive me tomorrow. I can't lose her. I love her more than anything

Jungkook: Baby, I'm really sorry!! Let's just talk tommorow!! Don't forget to brush your teeth before sleeping!! Have a good sleep!! I love you so much

The last 5 words were a whisper

Jungkook: I love you more than I love myself and I don't mean anything that I said earlier, I'm really really sorry. Please don't leave me because of that

I whispered to myself, practicing how to say sorry to her. I sighed before drifting off to sleep


I woke up with the smell of pancakes. I smiled. I stretched a bit before standing up. I took the pillows and blankets I used and put it back on the bedroom. I went downstairs and smiled. She was wearing an oversized shirt of hers and her hair was tied up. I back hugged her

Jungkook: Good morning, baby. Happy 3rd monthsary! I'm so sorry for how I acted last night. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you still mad at me?

She didn't answered. I looked at her face and her eyes were swollen and red. I turned her around and was about to kiss her but she looked away. She went back to cooking

Jungkook: Baby, please don't ignore me. I'm really sorry

I said while hugging her waist tighter. I suddenly heard her sniff

Jungkook: Are you crying?!

She just wiped the tear that fell down from her eyes

Jungkook: Baby, please stop crying. I'm so so so sorry please

She put the pancake on the plate. She took my arms off her and went to the dining area with our food. She put the food down and sat in front of me

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