The more you hate the more you love (Part 1)

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Jungkook POV

It's Saturday today and Somi and Vernon slept here last night. I have to say, Vernon have been taking good care of my sister even at school. He's really proving his love for my sister, huh

Jungkook: What do you think of giving Vernon a chance?

Lisa: A chance? He's courting you?

Jungkook: The fuck? For Somi, babe

Lisa: Oh, I think he is good for Somi. He can make her happy

Jungkook: But Somi is still a baby

Lisa: You sure? Would a baby know how to like someone?

Jungkook: She likes Vernon?

Lisa: Yeah, she said they might annoy each other a lot but he can make her happy and okay without even doing anything. I asked her if he likes him and she didn't even hesitate to say yes

Jungkook: Looks like she's really not a baby anymore

I sighed and hugged her waist tighter. I whispered

Jungkook: I love you

Lisa: //chuckles// You really like whispering that, don't you?

She then lean on my ear

Lisa: I love you

She whispered before letting out a chuckle. She pecked my lips and sat up. She held my hand and played with it. I smiled. She went to the bathroom and I followed her. We washed our faces at the same time. We even put soap on each other's faces. We both chuckled as we rinsed off the soap. We also brushed our teeth at the same time. We rinsed off the toothpaste

Jungkook: I think we should go downstairs already. I'm hungry

She chuckled and nodded. I held her hand and we went downstairs. We went to the kitchen. We smiled at each other when we saw Somi cooking while Vernon was helping her and wide smiles are plastered on their faces

Somi: Thank you

Vernon: For what? With this? I'm also going to eat so why?

Somi: //chuckles// Not for this, dummy. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for being... my friend

Vernon: Friend? I am not your friend and I would never want to be your friend

Somi glared at Vernon

Vernon: Because when you say that we're friends, it's like you're saying that we couldn't be more than just being friends

Somi: Why? You want to be more than friends?

Vernon: And if I say yes?

I cleared my throat making them look at me

Somi: Unnie, oppa, good morning

She said with a smile. Lisa just smiled back

Vernon: H-hyung, noona, good morning. H-how long have y-you been there?

Jungkook: Why? How long should we've been here? Di-

I wasn't able to finish because Lisa covered my mouth with her other mouth. We glared at each other

Lisa: I'll take care of him, just continue what you are doing

They both nodded. She pulled me to the dining area before removing her hands

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