Parents for a day (Part 2)

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Lisa POV

Lisa: It's time for me to cook now. What do you want to eat?

They looked at each other

Sa-wol: Eomma, can you cook creamy shrimp pasta for me?

Lisa: Sure, I'll cook now

Jungkook held my wrist making me look at him. He quickly pecked my lips and we both smiled

Sa-wol: Eomma, give me a kiss too

We looked at her. She's pouting cutely and crossing her arms in front of her chest

Jungkook: No, she can't kiss you

Sa-wol: Why?!

Jungkook: Because she's my wife

Sa-wol: But she's my unnie!

Jungkook: She's mine!

Sa-wol: But she loves me more!

Jungkook: No!

Jungkook hugged my waist

Sa-wol: Yes!

Jungkook: No!

Sa-wol: Yes!

Lisa: Stop this nonsense!! I love the both of you, okay?

I kissed Sa-wol's cheek

Lisa: I'll cook now. Look after Sa-wol, babe

He nodded. I stood up and went out of the pool. I took a towel with me and went to a bathroom. I took off my swimsuit and dried myself. I also dried my hair. I covered myself with the towel. I went out of the bathroom and went upstairs to our closet. I put on my undergarments and took a random hoodie of him. I smiled because it smells like him. I went to the kitchen


I took two towels with me and went outside

Lisa: Babe, Sa-wol, time to get out of the pool! The food will get cold!

Jungkook get out of the pool while carrying Sa-wol. I smiled. He put down Sa-wol and I gave him one towel. I used the other towel to dry Sa-wol. I covered Sa-wol with the towel and carried her inside while Jungkook followed me

Jungkook: You look beautiful in my hoodie, babe

He whispered and kissed my cheek. I smiled and I swear I am red. He went to the bathroom and I went upstairs to our bedroom. I dried Sa-wol's hair and changed her clothes. We both went downstairs and saw Jungkook sitting at the dining area. I sat beside him and took Sa-wol on my lap. He immediately looked at me

Lisa: I can't sit on my proper seat because I have a child to feed

He nodded

Sa-wol: This looks good, eomma

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