Birthday surprise

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Jungkook POV

I woke up and smiled. Today is my Lisa's birthday and I gotta act like I don't know to surprise her

Jungkook: Happy birthday, baby. I love you so much

I kissed the top of her head. I smiled as I admire every inch of her beautiful face

Jungkook: //sighs// I'm so lucky

I pecked her lips and escaped from her embrace. I replace myself with a pillow. I kissed her forehead before going to the closet and getting my clothes. I went to the bathroom and took a bath. After taking a bath I went out of the bathroom and saw her still sleeping peacefully. I chuckled and went downstairs to cook our breakfast


I was done cooking and the table was already set. I went upstairs to our bedroom and heard the shower from the bathroom. I sat on the bed and waited for her. After some minutes the bathroom door opened. I smiled

Lisa: Oh you're here. Good morning, baby

Jungkook: Good morning. Let's go downstairs and eat

Lisa: Don't tell me you also forgot about it

Jungkook: Huh? What do you mean? What did I forget?

I stood up and hugged her. I pecked her lips. We let go of each other. She went out of the room and I followed her

Lisa: My parents forgot about it, my parents-in-law forgot about, my sister-in-law forgot about it, my best friends forgot about it, and even my own husband forgot about it, wow, just wow!

I chuckled silently

Jungkook: Just tell me what you're talking about, babe

She looked at me

Lisa: Find it out yourself! If you still don't know about it in the end of the day, I won't hesitate to divorce with you! What kind of a husband are you to forget about this day? Ah I suddenly remembered we got married for fuck and not for love and that's why this day doesn't even matter to you

I'm sorry, baby. It's part of the plan

Jungkook: Let's just eat

She rolled her eyes and she sat down on a chair. I sat beside her

Jungkook: Why are you sitting there, babe? Come here

I said patting my lap

Lisa: Tell me what's special about this day first

Jungkook: Baby, I don't know. Just sit on my lap, please

She sighed and sat on my lap

Jungkook: Let's eat?

Jungkook: Let's eat?

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