First date

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Lisa POV

I woke up and smiled. My period was done a day ago and the way Jungkook ate me last night was so fucking amazing. I hugged my husband a little tighter

Jungkook: Baby? You're already awake?

I smiled at his raspy voice and nodded. He stroke my hair gently

Jungkook: We have a long day ahead so you better get ready

Lisa: Huh? What do you mean by we have a long day ahead?

Jungkook: Secret

Lisa: Rule no. 2

Jungkook: Aish, just give me a punishment

Lisa: Hmm... I won't kiss you for the whole week

Jungkook: Huh? No please don't! I will die without your kisses! Do you want your baby to die???

He said while whining and I just chuckled

Lisa: That's why it's a punishment

Jungkook: //fake cries// No! Please! I'll just tell you, okay?

Lisa: Okay

Jungkook: I have a surprise for you, we'll go somewhere. Now, give me my kiss, I would die without it

I chuckled and looked at him. He immediately attached his lips on mine but I purposely didn't respond. When he felt that I wasn't kissing him back he pulled out and looked at me confused. I was laughing inside because of his reaction. He kissed me again. It was hard to not kiss back but I succeed. He looked at me with a pout

Lisa: //chuckles// What?

Jungkook: Why aren't you kissing me back? You don't love my kisses?

He let go of me, sat up, cross his arms in front of his chest, and pouted. He's sulking. I chuckled

Lisa: So you're sulking, huh?

He looked at me while still pouting then looked away. How can someone acting childish be this cute? I smiled

Lisa: Can you look at your wife even just for a second, please?

He looked at me and I immediately kissed him. I felt him smile but he didn't kiss back. I didn't stop kissing him until he gave in. I smiled as my hands pull his head to kiss him deeper. I slid my tongue in and let it explore his mouth's wonders. His hands went to my ass and he made me sat on his lap. I brushed his hair with my fingers. After a long and passionate kiss which I put so much love in we both pulled out. We both smiled. I caress his cheek. He hugged me tightly and buried his face on my neck. I chuckled. How can this man be the same man I fucked with last night?

Lisa: //chuckles// Babe, I need to take a bath now so I can already cook breakfast. Baby!

Jungkook: Just five minutes more, pwease, baby

I smiled and nodded. I felt him smile before hugging me tighter

Time Skip...

Jungkook POV

Jungkook: Baby, you done?!!

I've been waiting for her for like forever

Lisa: Yup!!

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