Missing you

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Jungkook POV

It's been a week since Lisa was in Thailand. I miss her so fucking bad. I wanna go there and hug her tightly but I can't since appa won't allow me. I also need to keep an eye on Somi and Vernon. They annoy each other all the time but that was normal. I sighed and took my phone. I facetime her and she answered

Lisa: [Yes, baby? Is there a problem?]

Jungkook: Yes

Lisa: [What's it?]

Jungkook: I miss you so fucking much and I want to hug and kiss you right now

Lisa: [Me too, baby. I actually wanna go back there already since I'm not even doing anything here but eomma and appa said I still can't //pouts//. I wanna cuddle with you right now]

Jungkook: Are you wearing my hoodie?

Lisa: [I always wear your clothes that I brought with me]

Jungkook: I love you

Lisa: [I love you //smiles//]

Jungkook: By the way, I don't like Ten

Lisa: [//chuckles// Then you're feelings towards each other is mutual]

Jungkook: The fuck? Why?

Lisa: [He said you look like a playboy that would hurt me]

Jungkook: The actual fuck?

Lisa: [//chuckles// How about you? Why don't you like him?]

Jungkook: He likes you, it's so obvious

Lisa: [He can't be that serious for his feelings towards me]

Jungkook: What do you mean?

Lisa: [When I was 13 and he's 14 he said he likes me and wants me to be his girlfriend]

Jungkook: Then?

Lisa: [I said we're still both young to have that kind of relationship. He said it was fine and he will wait for me to graduate and then he'll ask me again. Unfortunately for him, I was there at Korea and I already married you]

Jungkook: He still likes you, babe. And why are you still friends with him when he already told you that he likes you?

Lisa: [I promised him that it won't ruin our friendship, baby]

Jungkook: //nods// At least I know that whatever happens you'll still go back to me

Lisa: [//giggles// Of course, my baby bunny that loves banana milk more than me]

Jungkook: Yah! I love you more than anything and anyone!

Lisa: [You sure? More than anyone?]

Jungkook: //nods// Yup

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