End of us

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Lisa POV

Jungkook: //yawns// I want to sleep

Lisa: Then sleep

Jungkook: Can I sleep on your lap?

Lisa: Sure, baby

He put his phone away. He pecked my lips and laid his head down on my lap. I put my hand on his hair ang gently stroke it

Lisa: Sleep well, baby

He hummed softly. My focus went to back to my phone. After some minutes he received non-stop messages. It might be eomma or appa so I looked at it

Lisa: Who's baby girl? It's not Baby S so it's not Somi. I didn't texted him so it's not me

I remembered that his password was our wedding date so I unlocked his phone and looked at the messages

Baby girl:
Babe, we have a problem

Is the bitch near you?


Baby, are you there?

Babe, don't ignore me!








I swear if you don't reply I will not allow you to cum inside me!

So he is cheating on me. Ouch. I was about to cry but I decided to reply

Who's this?

Baby girl:
Babe, don't joke around. It's Nancy

What's the problem, baby?

Baby girl:
Actually it's not a problem...

What's it?

Baby girl:
I'm two weeks pregnant!!!

We're going to be parents!!

Aren't you excited? You already have a good reason to divorce with the bitch!!!


Baby girl:
Babe, what's wrong? Aren't you happy?

I am. I'm just surprised

Baby girl:
Aww, I know you would be happy. I love you so much, baby. You would be the best father

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