The truth

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Lisa POV

I wanna make him stop crying but even I can't stop myself from crying. Shit! I feel guilty!

Lisa: I'm sorry

Jungkook: No. I'm sorry

We're still not letting go of each other and he's just crying on my shoulder. I felt more tears coming out from my eyes

Jungkook: I love you and I will never stop loving you

I cried more and hugged him tighter. I felt him kiss the top of my head. I smiled a little and just buried my face on his neck. We are in the middle of the drama when someone called me. I took my phone and answered it

Lisa: Yes, Yeri? What's it?

Yeri: [You cried //sighs//. I'm at the hospital. I lost the baby]

My jaw dropped. What made me shock more was the way she said it. It's like it wasn't a big deal

Lisa: What?! How?! Why?! Where exactly are you and I'll go there!

Yeri: [****** hospital. Room 413]

Lisa: Okay, I'm on my way

Yeri: [Thank you, Lalisa]

Lisa: Huh? For? Nevermind. See you in a bit

Yeri: [Yeah, see you]

I ended the call

Lisa: Let's go

Jungkook: Where?

Lisa: Let's just go, babe. She needs us right now

Jungkook: Please tell me she lost the baby and I'll celebrate

I glared at him. He ignored it and stood up. He helped me stood up and we went to my car

Jungkook: You're driving?

Lisa: Uhmm duh

We went inside my car and I drove to the hospital. Our are literally red, puffy, and swollen but we didn't care. I rushed to her room followed by him. When I went inside she waved at me while smiling. I immediately hugged her tightly

Lisa: Are you okay?

Yeri: Yes, unnie

We let go of each other and smiled

Jungkook: So you did lost the baby?

There's a hint of happiness on his voice. Yeri just nodded. He was about to celebrate but I spoke

Lisa: It wasn't really your child

Jungkook: Ye- wh-what? Don't tell me, you're both just pranking me from the start

Lisa: The fuck? Of course not

Jungkook: Then what?!

Lisa: I'll explain, babe

He nodded. Me and Yeri looked at each other

Lisa: So...


I just woke up. I'm still at the hospital because I also had a minor injury on my hips

Jungkook: Oh you're already awake. Good morning, baby!

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