Clingy bunny

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Lisa POV

I opened my eyes and looked at my husband who is still sleeping while hugging my waist

Jungkook: Until when are you going to stare at me?

Lisa: Huh?

Jungkook: Huh?

He mocked my words and chuckled

Jungkook: Good morning

Lisa: //chuckles// Good morning. I'll make breakfast now

Jungkook: No, stay a little longer

He hugged my waist tighter

Lisa: But I'm already hungry

Jungkook: Is food more important than me?

Lisa: Well of course

Jungkook: //whines// Just cuddle with me for an hour more

Lisa: An hour?!

Jungkook: Yeah an hour

Lisa: Looks like you're being clingy today, huh

He pecked my lips for three times before letting it stay there without moving. I smiled a little. After two minutes he pulled out and buried his face on my neck

Lisa: Yah! Somi might be hungry already. Let's go

Jungkook: It's Tuesday she's already at school

Lisa: But I'm already hungry

Jungkook: Okay, fine, let's go

I smiled in victory but he didn't let go of me. I was about to stand up but he didn't let me

Jungkook: I never said that I would let go of you, did I?

Lisa: What? Then how can I-

He carried me in bridal style and I started kicking the air

Lisa: Put me down! I can walk! I have legs and feet! Babe!!

He didn't care about my shouts even until we reach the living room. We saw Somi sitting at the couch while using her phone

Somi: Oh you're already awake. Good morning! I already cooked breakfast so you can already eat

She said with a smile. He finally put me down but he held my waist

Lisa: Good morning and you didn't have to cook

Jungkook: Yeah, and have you eaten already?

She nodded

Jungkook: And why are you still here? You have school, right?

Somi: Yeah but even if I go to school and study appa would never be proud of any of my fucking achievements

Jungkook: But you know that I would be

Somi: Yeah, I know but it doesn't make the pain any less

Jungkook: Fine, stay here all you want you can even live here if you want just promise me that you'll go to school tomorrow

Somi: //nods// But I wouldn't live here. Maybe not yet

Lisa: You can always go here, don't worry

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