A month in Thailand

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Jungkook POV

Lisa: Eomma said they'll go here

Jungkook: When?!

I panicked because who wouldn't? We're still both naked

Lisa: Chill, baby, at dinner

Jungkook: It's almost dinner, baby

Lisa: Relax, bunny, they wouldn't kill you and if they do they also have to kill me

Jungkook: Babe~

Lisa: Let's take a shower, okay?

I nodded


Jungkook: Baby, what should I wear?

Lisa: Something like what I am wearing

She was wearing my t-shirt and simple shorts

Lisa: Just wear something simple, bunny. No need to impress, they're already your in-laws

She kissed my cheek before going out of the closet. Just like what she said I just wore something simple. I went downstairs

Jungkook: Want me to help you with cooking, baby?

Lisa: Yes, please. Actually can you cook? I got lazy. Please?

Jungkook: Okay. What should I cook then?

Lisa: Spaghetti

Jungkook: Why?

Lisa: That's their favorite dinner with wine

Jungkook: Oh really? But I can't have wine yet

Lisa: We'll have banana milk

Jungkook: Really?!

She laughed and nodded

Jungkook: Okay, I'll cook now

She sat on a highchair and watched me cook

Lisa: What a husband material

I chuckled and continued cooking

Jungkook: What's for dessert?

Lisa: They don't like desserts but we have ice cream

I nodded. I suddenly felt her arms around my waist

Lisa: I love you

She whispered. I smiled widely. I turned around and pecked her lips and forehead

Jungkook: I love you

I continued cooking with a wide smile on my face

Lisa: I still haven't told you that...

Jungkook: That?

Lisa: I met Kim Yerim yesterday

Jungkook: Hmm? So? Did she do something to you?

Lisa: No but there's something about her that I don't like

Jungkook: What's it?

Lisa: I don't know. She is nice but... I just don't like her

Jungkook: Just don't mind her then

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