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Lisa POV

I just got back from meeting the investors and businesspeople. I went straight to my room. He immediately looked at me with his bunny smile. I also smiled. I laid down beside him and buried myself at him

Jungkook: Tired?

Lisa: Kinda

He played with my hair and hummed. I felt his kiss on top of my head before I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up he was staring at me while smiling

Jungkook: Good morning

He said with a chuckle before he kissed my cheek

Jungkook: How was my baby's sleep?

Lisa: Good, thanks

Jungkook: Someone wants to talk to you, he's at the pool

Lisa: Huh? Who?

Jungkook: Just go, babe. And by the way, aren't you going to change your clothes?

Lisa: Nah, it's fine. I'll go at the pool

He nodded with a smile. I kissed his cheek and went out of my room. I headed to the pool and saw Ten sitting there with his legs in the pool. He looked at me and smiled. I sat beside him, with distance of course

Lisa: Are you the one who wanted to talk to me?

He nodded

Lisa: Okay, what's it?

He took a deep breath

Ten: Reject me again so I could finally move on

Lisa: Huh?

Ten: //chuckles// Lisa, I think I like you. Would you like to go out with me and be my girlfriend?

That's exactly what he said 7 years ago

Lisa: Wh-what? Ten, I'm sorry. I think we're still too young for that kind of relationship. I promise, our friendship wouldn't be ruined

We smiled at each other. That's exactly my reply 7 years ago. He ruffled my hair as we both giggled

Ten: When you and Jungkook go back to Korea don't forget me even though there's a high chance that you wouldn't go back

Lisa: Why would I and how can I? You guys fight even at the group chat especially you and Sorn

Ten: //chuckles// How can we not?

I chuckled

Lisa: But seriously, I know you can find a good woman that can love you back

Ten: //nods// As long as it's not Sorn, I'm fine with it

Lisa: You're mean

Ten: //chuckles// I just don't see myself with Sorn even Minnie

I chuckled and nodded

Ten: If something happens, you can call me

Lisa: So you're being my father now, huh?

Ten: Yeah

We both chuckled

Lisa: Okay, I'll call you when something happens

Ten: Good

He patted my head

Ten: I'll go now, I just went here to talk to you. We will take you to the airport the next day

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