Concealment of feelings

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Author POV

Lisa: Baby, what if we tell the others to hang out here?

Lisa said while they are eating lunch that Jungkook cooked

Jungkook: But the question is do they have time? All of them are busy. Busy fucking, sleeping, dating, and flirting

Lisa: Can we at least try?

Jungkook: You can message them

She nodded. Lisa took her phone

Sex addicts' group chat

Log in as Royalmaknae

@worldwide handsome
@human chanel
@human gucci
@god of destruction
@i love my bed
What are you guys doing?

Eating lunch, why?

Me and Chim too

God of destruction:
Just done eating

Hobi is drinking all the sprite

Human Chanel:
I'm out with Tae

I love my bed:
Just about to eat because I just woke up hehe

Do you guys wanna hang out here in our house???

Seokjin said sure

I love my bed:
Yeah sure. I'd actually love to hang out with you guys than sleep the whole day again

God of the destruction:
I'm free for the whole day so yes

My bub can but I can't because my parents wants to see me

Human Chanel:
We'll go

Chim said he'll think about it. I'll make him say yes, don't worry

Ok then everyone will go except Momo unnie and I understand the reason. Thanks guys see y'all later

-End of chat-

Lisa felt Jungkook's hug on her waist tighten

Jungkook: I'm already done eating, baby. Finish your food so I can wash the dishes

Lisa: Baby, you already cooked so I'll wash the dishes

Jungkook shook his head and started feeding Lisa

Lisa: Yah! I'm not a-

Jungkook took this chance to put the food inside Lisa's mouth

Jungkook: Yes you are a baby, but only my baby

After some chewing Lisa swallowed the food inside her mouth and opened her mouth again. Jungkook chuckled

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