Breakfast meeting

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Lisa POV

Lisa's Mom: Lalisa Manoban, wake up and get ready for our breakfast meeting!!!

She said while shaking me

Lisa: Eomma it's still so early

Lisa's Mom: What do you mean early? In 15 minutes time our breakfast meeting will begin! If we'll be late, you're grounded for a month

I rushed to the bathroom and took a bath. If I would be grounded for a month, I wouldn't be able to fuck for a month so I won't let that happen. I rushed out of the bathroom when I was done showering

Lisa: Eomma what should I wear?!!

Lisa's Mom: I already prepared your clothes, it's on your bed!

Lisa: A skirt?

I asked myself. I ignored it and dressed up

 I ignored it and dressed up

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I went downstairs

Lisa's Dad: My princess is looking beautiful

Lisa: Thanks appa

Lisa's Dad: We better go now we don't want to be late

Me and my eomma nodded. We went to my appa's car and he drove to the restaurant. We all went out of the car when we arrived at the restaurant

Lisa's Mom: Lisa, my dear daughter

Lisa: What's it eomma?

Lisa's Mom: Always remember that we love you so much, okay?

I nodded while smiling. I can't understand what's happening

Lisa's Dad: Reservation for Mr. Manoban and Mr. Jeon please

Lisa: Jeon?

Lisa's Dad: That's the family we're collaborating with

I nodded. Please don't be Jeon Jungkook's family. The waiter led us to a private room

Lisa: Jungkook?
Jungkook: Lisa?
Somi: Lisa unnie?

We all said at the same time. I swear this two really likes black

 I swear this two really likes black

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