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Jungkook POV

I smiled while staring at my beautiful wife. It's literally 4 in the morning but I opened my eyes just to stare at her. I comb some strands of her hair

Jungkook: I love you...

J whispered softly

Jungkook: ...So much

I kissed her forehead

Jungkook: Happy anniversary, baby. I promise to make you the happiest later

Yes, today is our anniversary. We're already married for a year and we're still going strong. I intertwined our hands

Jungkook: Thank you //smiles//

I kissed her hand softly and stared at her again. She is indeed a queen, my queen

Jungkook: A queen that deserves nothing but the very best

I smiled and kissed her forehead again. I hugged her waist and snuggled in her neck

Jungkook: I love you

I closed my eyes and slept again


When I woke up she's still sleeping peacefully so I stared at her face again. A beauty that I will never get tired of

Jungkook: //smiles// Why do I love you so much?

She suddenly faced me and hugged me while still asleep. I noticed that she's so clingy this past month. I smiled when I remembered how she pouts if I'm out of her sight

Jungkook: Cute //chuckles//

Lisa: A wuv u

She mumbled while still sleeping

Jungkook: //chuckles// I love you

I just admired her until she finally opened her eyes. She immediately smiled. She hugged me tighter and buried her face on my neck

Lisa: Happwe mwanthsawy

I chuckled until I realized what she said was wrong

Jungkook: Monthsary?

Lisa: 12th monthsary hehe

Jungkook: //chuckles// Okay, happy 12th monthsary, baby

She cutely giggled making my smile wider. She buried herself on me more

Jungkook: A wuv u

Lisa: Huh? //chuckles//

Jungkook: You mumbled that while sleeping

Lisa: Really?!

She looked at me. I chuckled and nodded

Lisa: See? I love you even when I'm asleep //chuckles//

Jungkook: Why?

Lisa: Huh? What do you mean why?

Jungkook: You just love me when you're asleep?

Lisa: I said, I love you even when I'm asleep

Jungkook: //giggles// I know, I just wanna hear how you would explain that

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