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We got back to the house. I went back to my room to change from these wet and cold clothes. 

"Where are you going?" Niall asks slight fear in his voice. I didn't understand why he was scared. 

"To change" I say in a monotone. 

He nods a but hesitantly.

I go to my room and lock the door and went to take a warm shower.  I took a long shower to get rid of every bit of tiredness in my body. 

I changed into some of the clothes that niall had provided me with. 

I looked at the clock that was in the room. 5:35 showed. 

Maybe I could get some sleep. I was tired and I did not want to have a encounter with Niall. It had been over an hour but sleep didn't come  I tossed and turned but nothing...

I sighed and got out of the bed. There was no point in trying to sleep anymore. 

I opened my room door to see Niall there sitting on the floor there. 

"What are you doing on the floor?" I ask.

He immediately get up and almost falls back onto the floor but regains his balance "I was waiting for you I didn't want to disturb you" He says scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh..." I say feeling the tension in the room rise.

"Also I needed to go somewhere so I need you to come with me" He says. 

"I do not get a say in this?" I ask. 

"No" He says and then hands me a bag that was on the table beside us.

"What is this?" I ask. 

"Just some clothes I thought you might want" He says before he leaves. 

"We leave in 15" he says as he makes his way to his room across the hall. Leaving me behind confused. 

I sigh I guess I am going out somewhere. 

I go back to my room and open the package there. I was some clothes. There was a pair of jeans and a couple of shirts. I changed into the clothes and surprisingly he got my exact size. 

There was a knock on the door and before I could reply the door opened revealing Niall he was dressed in a pair on jeans and white T - shirt. 

"Heard of something called manners?" I asked. Annoyed with him. 

"Unfortunately no darling" He said with a stupid smirk on his face. 

"I will be ready give me a second" I say. Thinking that he would leave the room. But no I was very very wrong on that. He just sat on my bed with and watched my every move.

"Heard of Waiting outside the room?" I ask him.

"Again not really darling" He says the smugness makes me want to hit him right over the head. 

I roll my eyes at him. And I continue to get ready. I pull my hair in a pony tail. 

"What is this?" Niall asks from behind me. 

I turn around to see that he was holding up the drawing of the Seattle skyline that I drew a few days ago. 

"Nothing much" I say shrugging.  

"There has to be something" He pushes. 

"It isn't anything" I snap at him. 

"Okay at least tell me which place is this" He asks looking directly in my eyes. 

How did he know it was a real place ? 

He still looks at me expectantly waiting for my answer. I huff knowing that he wont stop until I give him some sort of an answer. 

"It is Seattle" I say. 

He was about to open his mouth to ask me something else. But I cut him off by saying "Come on I am ready" I say. 

"Yeah right let us go" He says. 

He gets up and leaves the room with me trailing behind him. 

His car was parked outside I was going to go it but Niall calls out. 

"We aren't using that car" He says and goes to garage. 

"Huh?" I say he had other cars? Of course he would have other cars. 

He presses a button on a remote sort of thing and the garage door opens slowly revealing two other cars. They were these race cars. Both were black cars. They were low one was a jaguar and the other was a Audi.

He looks at me. Kind of waiting for a reaction. 

He clears his throat and says "I am trying to impress you... Is it working?" there was a slight hint of nervousness in his voice. 

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. 

"If you wanted to impress me you wouldn't have kidnapped me" I say. 

Niall seemed at a loss of words. You could see the heat rush to his face he started to stutter "I- no- I- but-"

I was laughing like proper laughing right now. He just stared at me while I laughed at him. You could a small smile was trying to take over his face but he was fighting it. 

"Come on get into the car I have to show something" He says once I calmed down a bit.

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