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It has been 2 days since. I have barely left my room because I dont want to bump into him. The reason you ask? I dont know. 

I sit around here I can hear music being blasted from niall's room 24/7 not that I am complaining. He has good taste in music he has been playing a lot of Eagles, NSYNC and backstreet boys. But right now it was unusually quiet. 

Then I heard banging coming from downstairs. It was coming from inside the house not from outside. but the banging stopped. I slowly went down to see what it was. I saw that the pantry door was shut maybe that was where the sound was coming from. 

I slowly waked over there and opened the door. I was superise as to what I saw.


I was really hungry so I went down to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. I bread was no where to be found. Maybe it was in the pantry... I walk over to the pantry. I hated the pantry it was so small and compact the bloody place was like a torture room. I went in holding my breath hoping to get out as fast as possible. I scanned the shelves for bread. Then I heard a small thud and a click. 

I turn around and my eyes go wide in panic. The door shut I was locked in. I started to bang on the door hoping she would hear me. I continued to bang the door until I found it hard to breath. This cannot be happening right now. 

"No no no no no" 

My breathing becomes rapid. My heart was beating at an alarming rate. Everything around myself was becoming blurry. I fell to the floor. I bring my knees to my chest. I start to rock back and forth. 

"Breath breath breath breath" I tell myself knowing very well what was coming. 

Then it came it was like everything around me went black. I could feel the space in which I was sitting started to become smaller. 

"Please stop please" I begged to no one. I knew no one would come but I still said it over ad over again. 

I tried to shake my head trying to get everything to stop. 

"You are fine you are fine there is nothing going on it is just your imagination" I tell myself. My breathing still erratic. 

I heard the door open. I wanted to get up and run but I couldn't move. 

I felt a body sit down next me.

"Niall listen to me listen to my voice okay? You are going to be alright it will pass" a voice said. It was her. It was Leyah. I nodded to make her know I heard her. Things were no more black but I still couldn't see anything clearly.  

She took my hand in hers. I held onto it like my life depended on it. 

"Breath okay? Take deep breaths focus on my voice and nothing else" She said. 

I dont know how long we sat there. My breathing started to slow down and come back to normal my vision came back to almost. 

"What do you need?" She asks still holding my hand. It felt different I never had anyone to hold me when I had these. 

"Outside" I say. 

She nods and helps me up. I could walk it felt like I forgot how to. She put her arms around my torso to hold me for support. 

We slowly made our way outside. When we reached I dropped down to the grass floor. I could feel her just standing behind me. 

"Do you need anything else?" She asks softly. 

I shook my head. I just need to sit here for a while it was almost gone now. I expected her to leave after I said I didn't need anything. But instead I could tell that she sat down on the floor behind me keeping her distance. 

This felt so odd. I never had anyone look out for me when I had these. It was always me on my own trying to fight it but failing miserably. But this felt nice you know to have someone when I had these. But I knew I shouldn't expect her to always be there. After a week she would leave and that was it between us. 

But was that all I wanted? Did I want more?

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