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Leyah's POV. 

The next day I woke up to sunlight streaming through the window. I blinked a few a times getting used to the sunlight. When my eyes adjusted I saw Niall standing by the window looking out. 

He looked at with his blue eyes. "Good you are up" He says

I sit up from the bed. 

"Get ready we have to leave" He says.

I dont even try and ask anything to him anymore. Instead I just go to the bathroom and change into the clothes he gave me the yesterday. Surprisingly it was exactly my size. I get out of the bathroom. I see him putting all his clothes in his suit case. 

As we leave our room and go down to the lobby. When we reach the lobby I see 2 cops there talking the receptionist. 

Niall looks at them for a moment before he turns to me he says "Stay close and look down dont say anything I tell you to alright?" his voice stern. I nod I dont have to guts to say anything against him. 

We walk to the lobby I keep my head down and stand in the corner keeping my head down. 

"Ahh Mr. Neil Hogan checking out?" The receptionist says. Neil? I thought his name was niall.. 

That is obviously a fake name! My brain screams at me. Yes how could I not know that.

Niall nods. 

Th police man looks skeptically at him and then he looks at me.  I look down. 

"Haven't seen you in this area" The police man says to niall. 

"Oh we were just travelling to Huston" Niall says with a flawless American accent. The police man looks at me when niall said we.

"Who is this?" The police man asks. 

"This is my sister" Niall says. 

The police man looks at me again then looks at niall and nods. Looks like he bought it I think to myself.

Within moments niall paid for the motel room. And we are walking towards his car. The police men are watching us. 

"Get into the passenger seat" he whispers to me so that only I would hear it. 

I get into the passenger seat. He goes around the car and gets into the driver's seat. And without a word he drives of. We drive in silence expect for the soft sound of the radio playing in the back ground. I look out the window as the scenes from outside pass us fast. 

"Why did you get into a fight?" I ask breaking the silence.

He looks at me for a moment but then goes back to looking at the road ahead.

"That was nothing" he answers in short.

"What happened to your parents and Greg?" I ask. I know I am pushing boundaries here but it has been on my mind since yesterday when he mentioned it.

His eyes shoot up at the  mention and look  at me.

"How told you this?" He growls in a low voice. The tone of his voice already makes me regret asking him.

"You did yesterday" I say softly. He looks beyond pissed and a hint a sadness and guilt were in his blue eyes.

"Don't ever say those words to me" he sneers and goes back to looking at the road. You could see his grip on the steering wheel tighten so much that his knuckles started to turn white. His blue eyes looked now where but the road.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to trigger you" I say softly feeling guilty of my actions.

He looks at me in surprise. He did not seem to expect me to apologise. But his expression turn cold again.

"You did not trigger me okay! Nothing happened" he says to me and his gaze is back on the road.

It was clear he was lying and hiding the truth. But I did not want to push it. I may hate the guy but I am human and I understand we all have our secrets he has his and I have mine.

We sit in silence for a bit.

"So niall what is deal here? You going to take me hold me for ransom and get money from my dad?" I ask

He looks at me he hesitates a bit before he says "I don't want anything to do with you I am doing my job and delivering you to the people who want you after that my job is done I get my money everyone is happy"

"Everyone except for me" I say.

"I could care less" he says a smirk on his face.

I role my eyes at him. I so fucking hate him.

But who are these people who want me? What did I ever do to anyone? I had these questions but I knew I wouldn't get my answers for niall. Why you as cause it is niall

So.... any suggestions you guys would like to make? I also have a superise for you guys next chapter!!!

Love ya ;)

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