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Leyah's POV. 

I  was waiting with Eleanore  in our usual place where we wait for the boys to come. 

"Where the hell are they?" El asks in frustration. 

"Probably trying to get their asses out of bed" I laugh causing Eleanore to laugh as well. 

"Hey hey we are capable of getting our asses out of bed" a voice says from behind us.

We turn around to see the Louis there. His hair was more of a mess than it usually is, his shirt was completely crushed and he was wearing his shoes on the wrong legs. Both me and El noticed these things smirks forming on our faces. 

"Says the one who just got out of bed and wore the first thing he saw" El says chuckling causing me to laugh as well. 

"I did not just get out bed!" Louis says defensively. 

"He did" Liam says from behind louis. 

"Shut it payno" louis growls.

All of us just laughed. 

"Okay guys we have to get going or else we will be late for class" Harry says.

"Fine Mr. I am the perfect little boy" Louis sasses. Causing all of us to laugh again. 

With that all of us started to make our way to the main block of our university. 

"Where is Dani?" Liam asks us

"Oh she had some work so she left early she said she would meet us by the building" I say Liam just nods

"Aww little Liam misses his girlfriend" Louis says snickering causing El to punch him in the shoulder. 

"Hey you are my Girlfriend you cannot punch me" Louis pouts. 

"Yes I can when you say stupid stuff" she says 

"Which is all the time" harry mutters

"Hey Styles I heard that" Louis says. 

This is what it was like here . Okay let me explain a bit more. 

My name is Leyah Maria Hemmings. I am 19 years old and I live in New York. I live in an apartment with my best friends Eleanore Calder and Danielle Peazer. Me and El have been friends since Highschool when we came to NYU we met Danni and we instantly became friends.

Soon enough we met two idiots namely Harry and Louis and one mature guy who keeps them out of jail Liam. We all connect fast. But for Louis and El it was love and the same goes for Liam and Dani.

So that leaves me and Harry. We are in the single for life club founded by us and the member are only us. 

But seriously though they are my bestfriends and I am ever so great full for that. 

We reach the main block and we see Danni waiting for us. 

"Go on Liam go snog your girlfriend that you missed so much" louis says. Yet again earning a punch in the shoulder from El. 

"Louis I suggest you shut your trap or else I will tell everyone what a love sick little puppy you were when El went to visit her family" Liam says. 

"Oh yeah I remember that" Harry says "Why did she leave me!! I dont even know what day it is without her! I cant breath without her" Harry says trying to imitate louis.  

"I said it before and I will say it again shut it styles" Louis growls. It was always easy to get louis pissed.

"Aww you missed me. That is so sweet" El cooed. 

"Okay okay enough of this I missed my girlfriend nonsense because class starts in 2 minutes" I say. 

Both harry and Louis look at each other "We have Mr. Reed" "He will kill us if we are late" The both of them say simultaneous . Before rushing into the building.

This was a usual thing. They are always late for class so it is always running into class. 

"Okay we better get going" Liam says looking at Dani. She nods. They say their good byes and leave. 

Leaving me and El to go to our class. 

We walk into the large lecture hall. 

Me and El took a literature course. So the first 2 hours we have lecture with Miss. Hawkins.  

When we enter the hall. My eyes catch a particular boy who was sitting in the back. He was looking at the papers in front of him seriously. He had blond hair but the fact that he had brown roots told me that he dyed his hair.  He was wearing black jeans and white shirt with a black leather jacket. 

He looked up at me with piercing blue eyes. Those eyes were beautiful. He put out that mysterious vibe. Cause I have never seen him here before and he looked like there was more to him than what he looked on the outside. 

We took our seats in our usual places. El started to ramble on about a book she read the other day but I could not focus on what she was saying cause my mind kept going back to him. Who was he?

The lecture just finished and the whole time my mind was on the blue eyed boy in the back of the class. Who was he? was the only question that kept coming back to my head. When we were leaving he still sat in his place without getting up looking at his papers. 

We were on our was to for lunch to meet the others. 

"Did you see the new guy in class?" I asked her.

She raised her brows "Who?"

"I dont know his name but he had bleached blond hair and blue eyes wearing the black leather jacket?"

"ooo looks like someone has a crush" El gushes

"No I dont I was just curious" I defend myself.

"Who has a crush?" Danielle asks coming towards us with Liam, harry and louis all trailing behind. 

Before I can say anything El says "Leyah likes the the new kid in our class"

"I already said I dont like him! Heck I dont even know him I was just wondering who he was" I say frustrated. 

"Leyah likes who now?" Liam asks

"I dont like anyone!" I groan. 

"She likes some new kid in her class" Dani says.

"Oh great which little kid do I have to beat up?" Louis says bored. 

"Yeah what is his name?" Liam asks

"Also is he well built? Does he look like he can take us down?" Harry asks. 

"You are not beating anyone up! And yes he looks like he can take you down!" I groan I really dont know if he can but maybe that will shut them up. 

"Then your on your own mate" Harry and Liam say to Louis. 

"Yeah yeah good to know you mates have my back" Louis says glaring at the boys. 

"Is that the only thing you heard! I dont like anyone god I should just shut my mouth" I say muttering the last part. 

"Good cause dont want to get into a fight because come on it would ruin this beautiful face of mine" He says putting his arm around my shoulder. 

I role my eyes at him. 

This was my life. It was perfectly imperfect and I loved everything about it and I wouldn't change it for the world. 

A/N  So what do you think?  I know this chapter isn't much but I promise it will get better :) 

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