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Leyah's POV. 

I look around the bathroom and my eyes land on the window above the toilet. 

I climb over the toilet and try to get out of this place.

I don't know how I managed it but somehow I fell outside of the bathroom. I look around and see this place was mostly deserted and a little ahead the streets of the town was there.

I get up in a hurry and I hear him say "1 minute left!" from the other side of the door.

I scramble to my feet and start running. No direction in particular I just wanted to get away from him.


I got away and reached the town. As I ran through the town I really
I noticed none of the shops or anything where open. I felt my heart race. What do I do now ?

I just continued to run. I ran through alley. It was pretty dark I couldn't see much and I ended up tripping and falling face first.

I let out a small sound of pain. I lifted my head from the floor. But when I lifted my head I saw a figure well a shadow of a figure standing behind me.

My heart beat at a alarmingly fast rate I gulped. I knew it was the blue eyed Irish guy who kidnapped me.

Dam I need to get a name for him

Seriously this is what you are thinking about right now?!? I scold myself. 

"What did I tell you?" he says no emotion in voice only his accent coming out stronger.

I feel like every time he speaks his accent only get stronger and his voice gives  me chills and at the same time a sense of safety. I know that sounds messed up. But we passed the I am messed up gate 3 gates ago.

I get up to my feet. I face him immediately regretting it. The sight of him made me regret everything I ever did.

"What did I tell you? " He repeats his voice in the same tone as the pervious time taking steps towards to me.

With each step he took towards me I took one behind and soon I felt be back against a wall.

He did not stop coming towards me and I had no where to go. I gulped visibly. 
He was now so close to me just a inch of space was between us. My fear just grew bigger and bigger.

"What did I tell you?" He says for the third time.

I know I have to answer but my brain doesn't seem to work right now. 

He comes nearer to  me placing his right hand on the wall beside me. He leans close to me. I could feel his lips by my right ear.

"I would find you no matter how much you run" he whispers I could feel the smirk on his lips. He pulled away before grabbing my hands and pushing me to walk ahead.

No words were exchanged. I felt so helpless and hopeless all together.

We walked a bit before reaching the car.

He pushed me into the trunk of the car.

"I dont want a repeat of today's events okay?" he said. Before I could day a word he slammed the trunk door shut.

A/N. Sorry for the short chapter it is just sort of a filler ya know? I have an important question you guys know any good Irish names? It would help a lot.

Anyway all the love

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