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Judging by the voice it was a male and he had a faint accent Irish maybe?

"If you know what is good for you you wont make a sound" he says

He held both my hands behind my back. I wanted to try and fight his grip but it was to strong to do anything.

"I told you not to move!" He grits in my ears. Sending shivers down my spine.

He starts to drag me. I try to thrash and get away from his grip but it doesn't work.

"I thought I told you not to move!?" He sneers in my ear.

I dont know what is happening but I feel so scared. He drags me away from the frat house. I can see he is taking me away from the house.

I felt so helpless at the moment.

He dragged me to a car. It looked like a real expensive car. He opened the trunk of the car. And pushed me in.

He tied my hands behind my back. He tied a piece of cloth over my eyes covering me my sight then he tied a piece a cloth on my mouth. How did he do it was the biggest question mark. Because within like a minute he finished all these tasks. And then I hear the trunk of the car slam shut.

There was a moment of silence before I feel the car engine come to life. And the he drove of. My heart was beating so fast. Where was he taking me? What is happening? Who the hell is the person who is taking me? Why was he taking me? All these questions came flooding into my head.


We had been driving for an hour now? I have no idea what the time even is. I wonder will my friends be looking for me? Or will they still be partying?

I just so badly wanted this to be a a really really bad dream.


Sometime somehow I must have passed out of exhaustion. Now I don't know what time it is or how long he has been driving.

My head hurt badly, I felt really uncomfortable in this dress and my wrist was hurt every time I tried to push the ropes to break free. My throat was dry and I was hungry as hell but I couldn't really do much.

All in all I just wanted to get away and run.

Soon we came to halt. The car's engine died. I heard the car door open and then slam shut.

Moments later I could hear the trunk door open. I felt my whole body freeze out of fear. Was this the end? Is this how I am going to die?

I felt a hand touch my face. I flinched out of fear but the hand was surprisingly warm. The hand untied the blind fold.

I was immediately blinded by the sun light. Was it already morning?

It took a moment before a figure standing in front of me came into focus. I could not see the figure clearly just yet. Because my eyes were still adjusting.

The figure of my kidnapper became clearer.

It was him. The blue eyed boy from the back of the class.

He stood there he looked 2 inches taller than me. His blues were still intimidating his blond hair was still in a quiff. He looked a bit tired.

He fixed his cold blue eyes on me.

"If you say a word we are going to have issues you understand me?" he says seriously his accent coming out strong.

I nod ever so slightly terrified as hell.

"Good we have an understanding" he said.

He then came near me and slowly removed piece of cloth covering my mouth. I gasped a bit when he untied the cloth. I immediately felt my heart race.

He then a pulled a bottle of water and straw. He opened the bottle and put the straw inside.

He then kept the bottle near my mouth. I didn't hesitate in drinking the bottle because at this point I was dying of thirst and I don't care if he drugged the water. Wait is it even possible to drug water?

While I was drinking the water I saw him from the corner of my eye smiling a very small smile but it was a smile.

"That is enough" he says pulling the bottle away from me. But I still wanted more water.

When he was about to shut the trunk door again and leave me in the darkness I asked him "Who are you?" One of the many questions I had for him.

"You don't wanna to know love" he replies and slams the trunk door shut.

A.N. So guys tell me what do you think?? I know niall seems a bit rough and the moment but that is just his character as time passes things will change for sure. Also please recommend my book It would mean a lot. I hope you have a great day!! 

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