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We drove for quiet sometime. It was beginning to become dark. We were now driving through some. 

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Dont worry. We are almost there" He says a small smile playing on his lips.

"Where is this there?" I asked getting anxious.

"There is there. It is a word in the English dictionary love" He says. 

The way Love rolls of his tongue gave me chills. 

We were still in this woody place and there was pounding music from somewhere ahead. 

"We are here" He says as he turns the car and we are in front on a place that is filled with people. There was many men and women there most of them were drunk or either high. There was cars just niall's expensive and the race car kind. 

"What is this place?" I ask.

"This love is my spot" He says.

"Come on let us go" He says and opens the door and exited the car. 

"Okay we are doing this" I say and get out of the car. 

Niall walks over to my side. And puts him hand around my waist.

"Just stay close to me okay?" He whispers in my ear. 

I nod. 

"Horan! My man! What are you doing here? Didn't expect you to be here tonight" A man with brown hair yet it had this weird blue hair color strikes in it. 

"What I cant come here huh?" He asks cocky smirk on his face. 

"No man the place is yours..... And you brought a girl along" He says eyeing me. 

"Back off Chad she is mine" Niall says rather aggressively his grip on my waist tightens. I had this weird feeling in me when he said it. But I brushed it off.  

"Okay man relax" This chad guy says. 

"Come on" Niall says to me. 

We walk through the crowd of people. Everyone seemed to know niall. Some girls were making pathetic attempts to flirt with him while some whispered about my presence with niall. 

Niall dropped his arms from my waist and took my hand intertwining our fingers as he spoke to yet another person he seemed to know. Yet again I had this weird feeling in me but I pushed it off. 

The person who Niall was talking to Niall seemed to notice niall taking my hand. He smirked and said "So just like I predicted a girl came along and changed you. Didn't she?" 

Niall eyes widened so did mine. 

"What- I-" Niall started off stuttering again. He cleared his throat before he said "You know I dont do any of this dating shit. I never have and never will" He says no emotion evident in his voice. For some reason I felt hurt by that comment

The guy in front of me just smirked but he backed away. 

Niall mutters  "Him and his stupid logic" 

"Come on time to place our name in the bet" He says before he drags me to a guy that was sitting on the bonnet of a vintage red coloured car. 

"Niall! I didn't know you would be back here tonight" He says. He seemed to have this little pouch in front off him. 

"Will you be racing?" He asks. 

"What else reason would I be here?" He says with a chuckle. 

"True sorry my bad" He says. 

"So who do you have for me?" Niall asks looking at the paper the guy had. But he still didnt let  of my hand.

"We have this Canadian guy Shawn Mendes. He became pretty big around here after you left. Almost 40,000 dollars is running in him" He says. 

"We found my man" Niall says smirking. 

While this whole thing happened I was confused. Race? Bet? 40,000 running on him? What hell is going on?

"Great you know the rules 11 the race starts" He says. 

"I got that" Niall says. 

We start to walk in a different direction. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him. Cause I was absolutely confused.

"Going to teach this Shawn guy who actually knows how to race and get 40,000 bucks" Niall says with a shrug. 

"So you do this often?" I ask.

"Nope just for fun and if I need some cash. These guys never learn not to place their bets against me. But that doesn't matter I will just win this one like the others" He says. 

"This place does have a good view" I say now seeing that we were standing at the edge of the place. 

"That is why this is my spot" Niall says his gaze looking at the gaze. In this lighting you could see how clear his eyes were. 

"So how many girls have you brought here to show off to?" I ask with a chuckle. Cause this place was definitely amazing minus the fact there is a lot of illegal stuff going on here.  

"No one just you" He says his gaze was still on the view in front of us.

We just stand here is silence.

"This place is a special dont really like sharing this place" He says breaking the silence. 

"Then why share this place with me?" I ask.

Now he looks at me. Only a few inches between us. 

"I dont know" He says. He looks at me. My gaze at him wavers a bit from him to his lips. 

He placed his hand in my cheek and before I knew it we were kissing. It was a sweet kiss no hunger behind it. His hands dropped to my neck and he pulled me closer. An unfamiliar feeling took over my body. 

"Niall enough making out with your girl friend. You have a race to win!" Someone called out from afar. Causing me and Niall to jump apart. A blush comes across my face. 

"Yeah I am coming" Niall says irritation obvious in his voice. 

Niall takes my hand. "Bloody idiot" he mutters under his breath. 

"Come on I will show you what a real race looks like" He says with a smirk. 


What? Two updates one day after the other?!?! I am on a roll!

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