<< TWO >>

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I dial his number again. And yet again it goes straight to voice mail.

I sigh.

I dial Stacey ' s number. She picks up in an instant.

"Hello Leyah how are you?" She asks.

"Hello Stacey. I am good" I reply with a sigh

"So what is the problem?" She asks

"I was wondering if dad was near by maybe I could talk to him?" I ask.

"Oh I am sorry he is right now in London for a meeting with the share holders" she says apologetically.

"Oh" I say feeling the same disappointment I feel every time I make this call.

"Was it something urgent?" She asks.

"No no .... I just wanted to talk to him. Haven't really spoken to him in a while" I say a sigh escaping my lips yet again.

"I am sorry Ley" she says.

"It is okay I get it " I say.

"Well then I have to get going I have some work to get done around here" she says.

"Oh right yes. I am sorry" I say guilty for keeping her from doing her work.

"Hey... I told you never say sorry" she says sternly.

"Right sorry" I say again. 

"Good we will talk later alright?"

I nod but then I realize she cannot see me so I say a simple okay.

I hang up the phone.

This was the usual. I always try to talk to him but he is either in a meeting or in another country all together.  The last time we spoke was 3 months ago. And that to it was a 1 minute conversation before he said he had a meeting to attend. This was the problem with having a dad who is the biggest business man. He is 95% of the time business man and 5% of the time a a dad. But I am used to it now. Before I at least some family to call. But mom went. Now having a dad is equal to having no one for you.  So really my friends all I have.

I plug my phone in to charge. And go and grab my book. I am a major book worm. My favorite book by far is Fault in Our Stars. I am a fan of classics but this is the best mordern love story. I have read thag book over a million times and I cry each time. I guess that is the power of a good book. 

I flip through the pages and stop at the part where they are at their date. And Guss says that the outfit he is wearing is his funeral outfit.  As I was reading the door opened. 

In came both El and Dani. 

"Oh no you are reading that book again!" Dani groans.

"It is not my fault that this book is so good" I shrug closing the book. 

"Anyway... What have you been doing here other than read?" El asked. 

"Nothing much... tried to call dad but as usual he was in some other country" I say with an involuntary sigh escaping my lips. 

They just nod. They know I dont really like talking about it so they dont ask questions about it. 

"Okay but get ready we have to go to the Louis's game" Dani says. 

"That was today?" I ask cause I completely forgot about it. 

"Yeah he hasn't stopped talking about it since lunch" El says with a groan. But we all know that she loves listening to louis talk.


We got to the game. There we saw harry and Liam waiting for us. But there was another person with them. She had long black hair tied into a high pony. She was wearing a a faded blue ripped jeans with a white top which was tied at the bottom. 

Harry cleared his throat and said "This is Madeline" he said. The girls and I gave him a look. In response harry turned a bit red. 

"I am Leyah" I say introducing myself. Following my lead El and Dani did the same. 

"So just a question cause we know if we ask harry he will not answer with the truth but are you his girlfriend ?" El asks. Causing Madeline  to flush.

"No we are friends" she says still blushing. 

Dani opened her mouth to say something but harry cut her of "We have to get going and take our seats" 

Madeline walked ahead with Liam. Harry was about to walk ahead but me and El pulled him back.

"So Madeline huh?" El asks.

"What about Madeline?" He asks innocently a little blush creeping up is cheeks.

"How did you meet?" I ask him.

"She was... I"  harry stutters.

We give him the look before he sighs and says "She is new here joined at the start of the semester. I was told to give her a tour and we became friends"

We nod this much info will be sufficient for now we will get more out of him later.

Harry goes to get his seat.

We also make our way to our seats. We got front row seats. Perks of being best friends with the captain of the team. 

"He definitely likes her" I say to El 

"Yeah and that friends thing I bet it is not going to stay for the next month" El says causing me to laugh. 


The game started. The usual was happening Coach Hedge was yelling orders to his team. The crowd was giving their own opinion on what the team should do through all the cheering. But I felt something was different this time. 

I felt someone was watching me the whole time. I tried to shake it of maybe this my mind playing tricks on me. 

The game was intense at this point. They were tied 3 all. The opponent was running straight to the goal. But out of no where louis was with him cover his line of vision. He tackled the ball from the opponent. And passed it to James the center mid of the team. The whole crowd cheered as James made his way to the goal. Louis also followed James from the opposite side of the field. James came to a dead end when he was a few meters from the goal because all the defenders were on him.  He crossed the ball to Louis. Louis didn't waste a moment and shot the ball while it was in motion to the goal. The whole crowd went silent watching as the ball made it's was to the goal. The whistle blew and all hell broke loose. The crowd went wild. The team all pilled on Louis. 

Louis somehow got his hands on a mega phone and said "Everyone party at the frat house!!!"

The whole crowd cheered. While we laughed when louis tried to carry James but that didn't work because he lost his balance and fell face first. 

We made our way to back to our apartment to change for the party. As we were leaving the stadium my eyes fell of a pair of blue eyes. 

It was him he boy I saw at class. His blond hair was still styled the same way as it was before. He held a steady gaze on me. I knew then it self that he was the one watching me through the game. 

"Come on we have to get going!" Liam says bringing me back to reality. 

I nod and make my way to them. I could feel him watch me as I leave. It was like his eyes were burning a hole on my back as I walked away. 

A/N. I am sorry this is a crappy chapter I promise the next one will get better!! also this chapter is dedicated to . Love you tones! 

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