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Leyah's POV. 

I sat around for half around observing my surrounding in general I was doing nothing. I was feeling really tried and the bed was looking really inviting but I know I shouldn't. 

At that moment the door opened and Flynn entered. He had 2 bags with him. The smell of amazing Chinese take out filled the room. 

He placed the take out pack on the small table that was there in the room. 

"Here these are some clothes you can change into them tomorrow or whatever" He says with a shrug. 

"Thank you" I say softly. 

He doesn't react to it. 

"Here is some food you can eat" Flynn says gesturing to the food he got. I look at skeptically what if it is drugged? 

"It is not drugged if you think it is" He says a small smile playing on his lips. 

Can I really trust him? I question myself. 

"Trust me I haven't done anything to it" He says. Something about him or the way he said it made me trust him.  

I nod. 

He doesn't say much to that. He starts walking towards to the door. 

"Where are you going?" I ask my curiosity getting the better of me. 

"You dont need to worry about that" He says in short and leaves the room. Again locking the front door.  

I look at the food. I open the packet and the amazing smell of the food fills the room. I start to dig in.


Almost an hour later I find myself by the window looking out. It had dawned on me we were in Texas so far away from New York. Anything could happen to me here and no one would know. That feeling I dont know how to describe but one thing is for sure I am scared as hell. 

I looked at the clock that hung in the room. 11:20 it read. I looked at the bed. It couldn't hurt to just sit on it. I walked up to the bed and sat there. The bed was really comfortable and soft. Without realizing my eye lids started to close. And I drifted of to a peaceful slumber. 


I was woken up by the sound of the door opening. I woke up with a jolt. I looked around my room. I saw Flynn there looking at something at the floor. I could see his knuckles were bleeding. Did he get into a fight?

"What happened to you?" I ask. 

He doesn't answer it. 

He staggered a bit from side to side. And disgusting smell of alcohol filled the room. Great I have a drunk kidnapper! Note the sarcasm. 

He walked straight into a side table that had a vase on it. The vase fell down from the side table. 

He huffs and says "Why did you have to fall vase! Now I have to pay for you when I check out" groaning. 

A small chuckle escapes my lips. When he hears my chuckle he looks up at me and scowls "Why are you laughing?" I shake my head. 

"Did you get into a fight?" I ask getting of my bed ignoring his question. 

"Yes" He says like he did something wrong. Almost like a little kid. 

"Sit on the bed" I order. 

"Yes" He says looking down in shame. 

I go into the bathroom and fetch the first aid kit that was under the sink. When I exit the bathroom I hear Flynn saying "One tile Two tile three tile.." I did not understand at first what he was doing but then it struck me he was counting the tiles on the floor. I shook my head I never pegged him to be a guy that became a little kid when he got drunk. 

I am questioning my life choices right now. I am going to help my drunk kidnapper who got into a fight. You know what I dont care because my life right now is to messed up to do anything else. 

I went and sat in front of him "Show me your hands" I say. He obeys and shows me his knuckles. It wasn't bad just a minor cut and a bruise or two. 

"Why did you get into a fight?" I ask as I clean the cut. 

"There was some mean people that weren't listening to me" He mumbles a small pout on his face. He looked at me his blue eyes weren't cold as usual there was something different about them but I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was.

"You could have gotten hurt" I say finishing to bandage his knuckles. 

"It is okay at least then Niall will get to see mum, dad and Greg sooner" He says. My heart ached at those words something happened to his family? But before I could ask anything else he got knocked out. It was then when I released he said his name. His name was Niall it was way better than Flynn. Niall suited him.

I sigh and put the medical kit back in the bathroom. When I came out I saw niall he was fast a sleep. He looked calm no guard nothing but just him. And just him was different than the person he puts himself as during the day.

I go to bed thinking about what he said "It is okay at least then Niall can see mum, dad and Greg sooner" What happened to his par

So guys! What do you think this is my favorite chapter by far. Don't be a ghost reader vote and comment!

Love ya ;)

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