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Leyah's POV. 

By this time I am guessing it is around sometime near late evening now. How long is he going to drive like this? this is literally day 2. 

I feel the car slow down then it comes to a stop.  I hear Flynn get out of the car then the trunk door opens. This time I am not blinded by the sun light. 

"Get out" he says 

Maybe he is going to kill me here I think. I hesitate a bit but the cold look he gives me scares me to do anything other than listen to him. I carefully get out of the car. I feel so uncomfortable in this dress I really want to change.  

Once I get out of the car Flynn shuts the trunk door and takes out a small suitcase from the back seat. Where did that suit case come from? I wondered.  

"Now you will listen to me alright? You will nod to everything I say and not make even the tiniest little sound. You will not go anywhere that is 4 feet away from me alright ?" He says seriously 

I nod. I nods back in response. 

He then starts to walk to a place that is a little ahead of us. I look up to the see the sign "Best Motel in East Texas" Texas?? When did we get here?? From New York we got here Texas? If I get the travel part right it should take an whole day to reach here. Which was right we had been traveling for a day. 

We entered the Motel. He walked to the front desk I stood a a bit away from him. He spoke to the receptionist and they had a conversation. Then Flynn pointed to me the receptionist looked at me and nodded. Niall handed the receptionist some money and a key was handed to Flynn. He nodded. The he turned to me and gestured me to follow. With every step I took the fear in me only grew more. 

We walked down a hallway and he stopped at a door and opened the door with the key the receptionist gave him. The door opened and revealed a room. It was small had 2 beds  on either side of the room. The room was compact. 

"We will be staying here for the night and we will leave tomorrow" He said. 

"Okay..." I say. 

He gets into the room and pretends like I am not here. 

"What did you say to the receptionist?" I ask my curiosity getting the better of me. 

"You are my sister and we need a room so he wouldn't ask for an ID and cause the ID isn't ready yet "  he says casually. He has a fake id being made for me? 

He opens his suitcase. 

"Are you going to come in?" He asks harshly. 

I carefully get into the room. He takes out a pair of sweats out and hands it to me. I look at him confused as to why he was giving me his sweats. 

"I thought you would like to change" he said looking down scratching the back of his neck. 

I nodded. I went to the bathroom. I  put on his clothes it felt good to get out of the dress. The minute I put the shirt on. A scent took over me. His clothes had a faint scent of cologne and and a fresh woodsy smell. It was amazing. 

I put on the pants it was loose for me so I had to pull it up and roll the waist band a couple times before it fit.

I unlocked the bathroom door and saw Flynn standing there with his back facing me. He turned around and saw me. He didn't say a word and just looked at me. He cleared his throat.

He mumbled something before he left the room. He shut the door and locked it. 

What should I do now? Do I just wait for him to come? I looked at the bed. Maybe I could sleep I thought but the minute I got that thought I threw it out. Because I know I cant really let my guard down even if it for a minute. 


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