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Taehyung's morning starts with a cup of black coffee which he hates the most but as it would keep him alive and awake so he could work properly, he ain't complaining about it.

Being a teacher of kindergarten was his dream which includes checking and remarking the drawings and worksheet of toddlers which are stressful for him. But it's cute how those kids try to write or draw for him.

"Jesus-" Taehyung hissed when he accidentally knock off the cup of coffee on table and it spilled over his hand. Thank god it didn't get spilled over his papers.

He stood up to clean up the mess, he caressed the slight burnt skin while walking into kitchen. He turned on the water tap, letting the cold water ran over the skin of his hand.

His gaze roamed around his kitchen but paused on a certain place – where he usually put the jars of strawberry jam and one of them was missing.

Jungkook really took the jar from him? Taehyung let out a sigh before turning off the water tap.

"It was the last jar that I had, ugh!" Taehyung whispered, drying up his hand with a towel.

"And I don't know when I'm going back to daegu." He said to himself, furrowing his eyebrows in exasperation but it soon fades away. A smile crept out of his lips while walking into his living room to clean up the mess.

His apartment wasn't feeling like before; when Jungkook used to break into his apartment in morning and leaves till they had breakfast together. The flowers which were gifted by Jungkook was still placed in his room, never felt to replace them or even threw them away – i mean they're super expensive and beautiful too. His apartment always filled with Jungkook's adorable babbling but now it's empty and filled with cold silence like before.

Those evening when he used to come home back only greet with a round head boy who loves to rummaging through his refrigerator; for snacks. Sometimes when the round head feels right he used to give him hugs which would make his days a little bit better.

Taehyung sighed, pushing up his body to stand after cleaning up the mess. But its not like he's missing him, he always been staying alone since he turned an adult so its not a big deal to stay alone.

Humming a known song softly, he washed up few dishes and applied an ointment over his hurt skin. But he wasn't habituated of people leaving him after spending a good time.

It's only been two days since Jungkook left the place – no idea how he's been doing. But again he wasn't someone to ask about his whereabouts. Okay now he's overthinking things.

Raking his slender fingers through his golden honey hair – he was about to sit on his couch to relax for a few minutes.


The doorbell rang capturing all od his attention. Eyes shot up to his wall clock as he wasn't expecting anyone in his apartment. Forgetting about everything around him – he went to open the door. A hope to see the round head.

A smile plastered on his face when he opened the door.

"Jungkook, slow down! You're too fast."

Jungkook didn't listen to him as he continued on his pace.

"Use your small legs, chim!"

Jimin panted, jogging to Jungkook, trying to catch up with his bestfriend who wasn't jogging but running.

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