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i want to finish this book but im lazy and i hate myself during periods </3


Taehyung came back from his work-totally looking tired and exhausted. He slammed the door behind him as he entered into his apartment.

15th of august Taehyung remind himself before a glass of water placing onto a tray came into his sight while he was trying to take off his shoes.

"Shen, you don't have to do these things."

Shen smiled when she got a light pat upon her head from Taehyung before taking the glass of water and gulping down the cold water after a long day. Kim Shen, she was only fifteen years old and was grown up in family where youngers are supposed to serve for their elders.

"You've worked hard, Taehyung. You deserve to get treat well after the long day." Shen said softly and saw Taehyung put down the empty glass on tray before walking into the living room.

"Thank you, Shen. But seriously you don't have to- what the? What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked in disbelief, as soon as he walked into his living room he was greeted by Jungkook who was sitting on his couch while eating some tangerines. Eyes wide as he wasn't expecting him to visit him not before the day of his birthday as because of some confidential work. However, Taehyung doesn't even know his birthday which is quite problematic.

"I'm stalking you what if you ran away from me with someone else. And You didn't bring any snack!" Jungkook whined, pouting angrily while leaning back and resting his leg upon another-sitting prettily.

"I'm hungry." Jungkook added. "Moreover, big nose refuse to give me anything."

Shen glared at him and avoid herself to say anything mean infront of Taehyung. While Taehyung was in awestruck as he saw how pretty Jungkook was looking with the angry pout and apple cheeks. Wishing to pull him into his lap while patting him all the day and tucking away his long hair to look closely into his eyes after a long day of work.

"He again broke into your house, Taehyung. I tried to stop him but he's a stubborn brat." Shen mumbled under her breath but Taehyung could hear her properly causing him to snap into reality.

"I can hear you, fat nose." Jungkook gritted his teeth, glaring back at her.

"You both better stop. I'm no longer in a mood to resolve any kind of conflict." Taehyung said gravelly, voice laced up with tiredness along with authority to make two of them to stop glaring at each other.

"I'm so hungry, Tae. You didn't even have anything to eat except for some veggies in your fridge." Jungkook scrunched up his face in utter disgust as he hates vegetables more than cleaning up jack's poop and pee.

"I'm highly offended because vegetables are the best for health and care. Let's say veggies just wouldn't want to end into your big mouth." Shen scoffed and saw Taehyung walking into his room as he was probably tired and wanted to take a warm bath.

"Oh please! You should stop before I make you. What are you even doing here in my Taehyung's house?"

"Yours?" Shen let out in confusion. "I'm his favourite nephew, if you aren't aware of it. And how could he let in a brat like you. Taehyung hate brats, especially like you, who doesn't even how to respect others."

"Says you, I'm elder than you yet you're disrespecting me by yelling at me. Didn't your parents teach you decent behaviour to say something? And it's you who is a brat and if anything then I'm Taehyung's favourite brat." Jungkook snapped, squinting at her, glaringly. Fuming into rage as venom begins to pour out through his words as they continued to argue till Taehyung came out of the bathroom, fully clothed. Hearing the commotion, Taehyung immediately rushed into his living room.

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