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⚠️slight smut⚠️


The wedding ceremony went smoothly, promises were made and vows were declared in front of the hundreds of guests as a social ritual. The newly wedded husbands enjoyed themselves, a new brand journey for them and they couldn't wait to spend the rest of their lives together. They had struggled with their relationship from time to time yet they were holding onto each other as they made promises despite what they had been through before even getting into the aisle platform to narrate their vows. 

"Jungkook," Seokjin called as soon as he spotted the younger male sitting beside his husband while his cousin brother were absent as he went away from there for the speech dedicated to the grooms. 

Jungkook snapped his head towards him with a grin. "Congratulations, hyungie!" He greeted with a giggle, making his eyes turn into small crescent moons.

"Thank you," Seokjin smiled back. "I wanted to talk about something to you, I don't know whether it's the right time to talk about it or not but I can't risk it to make it worse for any of you and I also don't know when we're going to meet again." 

Jungkook blinked in confusion. "Why?" He began, big shimmery eyes. "I knew it, you will forget about me." His lips puckered up, twirling his curls around fingers and eyes wandering upon everywhere but Seokjin. 

"We will meet through Taehyung if you guys had decided to stay with each other, right?" He expressed, grasping Namjoon's attention as well. It might come across harsh and rude however without voicing out for something no one could solve anything. 

"Well, I'm already looking forward to it." Seokjin continued, peering at Jungkook who seemed to be clueless. 

"I hope Taehyung also makes you happy just like you've been making him happy." Despite all the commotion around them as they sat in the middle of the wedding hall and having the attention all over them. Seokjin decided to talk about it because he loves his brother more than anything and it was a kind of responsibility for him to not allow people who could hurt his brother. 

"Be with him if he does." 

Namjoon glanced down at Jungkook who remained silent, smiling at them in anticipation. 

"I'm not aware whether you've noticed or not but Taehyung doesn't complain about being left alone even when he should." Seokjin expressed from what he had observed since he had met Taehyung. 

"I know it's not my place to say such things but when his 'so-called good friends' decided to leave after using him, he never again tried to make new friends in the belief that it was all his fate that he was supposed to be alone." He sighed in defeat, he saw Taehyung struggling but never complaining for anything even when he should've. Circumstances around him made him like that and moreover his mother who wasn't left to make things worse for him. 

"He wouldn't hesitate to let go of every precious little moment for someone else's happiness. You don't even want to know what he has done to him but I do hope that you could be there for him to at least stop him," Seokjin tried to explain. "He's so atrocious to himself that he treats everyone better but himself." 

Jungkook blinked, then leaned back to Namjoon's shoulder, clinging onto him. 

"I don't understand," He pouted. "Too much information, my head hurts." 

Seokjin looked concerned however before he could continue Namjoon gestured him to not continue further. 

"Be with Taehyung, we could see how much better he's with you, he also couldn't stop talking about you, it shows how special you are in his eyes. We hope that you guys will always be like that," Namjoon explained briefly. It made Jungkook think for once. What were they trying to imply? 

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