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someone pls cuddle me isso cold here 🥶


"You are failing in my subject, Mr.Jeon, look at your progress report of previous two months. I hope you have some reason behind for this awful performance. It also has came to my attention that you'd missed my three lectures of this week-"

The teacher was literally ranting about his poor grades and what not. It felt like he commited a crime by not coming to school for three days 'cause he already got a long lecture from his principal.

Jungkook wasn't listening to his teacher. He was just sitting on the seat of his teacher's cabin.

Mrs.Han, the most annoying history teacher of his school life. She just talk too much, explain too much and just too much which is why Jungkook hates her. Jungkook never liked anyone who likes to tell him what to do or what not.

"-school even sent a mail to your father. I hope you're listening to my words and would also like to work on yourself. If you're still facing some problems in my subject, please contact me."

Jungkook paused tapping his foot on the floor. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. He pursed his lips into straight line before he speaks.

"Mrs.Han, actually I want to use the washroom so can I leave now?"

Mrs.Han sighed softly before nodding, gesturing Jungkook to leave the cabin.

"Thank you." Jungkook whispered, standing up from the same chair where he'd been sitting on for long minutes. He slides off the glass door, getting out of the sample size hell.

Jungkook let out a 'phew'. He walked through the corridors, earning some stares from some students as he makes his appearance in school after few days.

Yellow shirt, ripped denim jeans with a belt, black hair moved along with the soft air and movement of walking.

Jungkook squeaked in surprise when someone grabbed him by his waist when he walked into the locker room.

"Bad day, Jeon?"

Jungkook pushed away Jackson from him, turning to his locker.

"Bad life, Wang." Jungkook grumbled, taking out his backpack before slamming the door of locker.

Jungkook heard a soft thud as Jackson leaned over the locker near him. His mind was wondering about how he's going to home because he didn't have his car now.

"Don't touch my hair, Wang!" Jungkook snapped when Jackson tried to reach for his hair. He himself tucked away the strand of hair from his eyesight.

Jackson chuckles. "Oh, come on Jeon. Don't be grumby today and let's go to hang out." His arm encircled around Jungkook's waist who was rummaging through his backpack.

"What's special today?"

Both the Js turned their head towards the sudden voice. Jungkook grinned looking at his best friend and Jackson just rolled his eyes.

"Today's my birthday." Jackson said before yelping in pain when Jimin slapped away Jackson's hand from Jungkook's waist.

"Your parents should've used the protection."

Jungkook giggled.

"Fuck you, Park!" Jackson snarled, stepping to Jimin who was busy in arranging his stuff.

"Gladly," Jimin smirked, turning to Jackson. "Stay away from Jungkook!" Eyes full of rage, ready to beat him for his best friend.

Jackson fixed his jacket, glaringly. He give a last glance to Jungkook before turning his heels and walking away from there.

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