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Giggles and breathy moans reverberated through the living room as Taehyung continued to pepper kisses onto the curve of Jungkook's neck, the younger tilted his head in the response of those kisses as he was ticklish there. 

Fingers curled around Taehyung's collar from behind, attempting to pull him off from Jungkook while the elder male latched onto him like a bee on a flower. Jungkook felt Taehyung's lips linger over his jawline, leaving gentle kisses on it. 

"Tae, now leave me—" Jungkook got interrupted when Taehyung suddenly pushed his lips against his, melting into the kiss the younger hummed softly before kissing back while gripping over Taehyung's tee. 

"What's wrong with you, today?" 

Taehyung pecked his lips one more time. Jungkook blinked as he broke into smiles, cheeks red along with his ears. 

"What's wrong with you?" Taehyung asked back, sitting back on the couch, admiring the hickeys on the younger's neck. Indeed it was a wild night where Jungkook stumbled into his little heart again. 

"Why are you complaining today?" 

Jungkook snickered, letting his legs fall upon Taehyung's lap. The elder male's finger gently traced over the hickeys on thigh — those pretty thighs were covered with hickeys and bruises now. It still looks pretty though.

The younger's laughter was Taehyung's serenity, the sound was so contagious that Taehyung couldn't help but broke into smiles as well while watching Jungkook giggling for no particular reason. 

"Why are you laughing?" Taehyung asked, pulling Jungkook up so he could sit as well. 

"You're being so unlike yourself." Jungkook began, hissing at the sharp pain in between his legs as he sat up, arms quickly tangling around Taehyung's waist and head reclining over the elder's shoulder while glancing up with his big doey eyes. 

Taehyung pushed his lips on Jungkook's closed eyelids. 

"I was too rough on you, right? I'm sorry." 

Jungkook shakes his head, opening his eyes. "No, you weren't—" He winced in pain when he tried to adjust on the couch to sit properly before Taehyung wrapped his arms around him. "Don't say sorry if you don't regret it." His voice was sore and raspy as he was still sleepy.  

"Don't do anything which you'll regret later so do you regret doing it with me?" 


"Then don't apologize." 

"Okay, my smart baby," Taehyung ruffled his hair before playing with the strands of hair. Leaning forward Taehyung inhales the soft vanilla fragrance from him — it was serene and comforting. He sometimes wonders for how long he would be able to hold him like that. As selfish as he sounds, Jungkook only looks pretty around his embrace. 

As much as aftercare matters, Taehyung hasn't left Jungkook's side. From shampooing his long hair to carrying Jungkook downstairs, and showering him with kisses and cuddles, he does everything which would make Jungkook feel comfortable and warm. 

"Hey, how about we order something to.. Ouch—" 

Taehyung winced when Jungkook bit on his jaw and it hurt very much.

"Tae, I'm craving for something sweet," He expressed with a prominent pout and big eyes gazing upon Taehyung's neck — tracing over the visible hickeys on neck while jabbing at them. His fingertips trailed down to Taehyung's shoulder blade, caressing the clothed part with his thumb. 

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