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hello its been a while 🥴


"Make yourself comfortable, Jungkook. I love having guests so don't hesitate to ask for something."

Taehyung quickly stood up from the loveseat to help his mom when he saw her coming from the kitchen while holding cold drinks for them.

"Thank you, cub." Haeun murmured sweetly, thanking him, when Taehyung decided to take the tray from her and settle it down on the centre table, serving the guest.

"Welcome, mom." Taehyung whispered under his breath, taking the seat next to his mom, sitting across Jungkook who instantly took the glass of tropical drink as he was thirsty for so long that he didn't even realise.

Kim Haeun, Taehyung's mother chuckled softly at the way Jungkook was drinking the juice while eyes wide and grabbing the glass with both hands while the sleeves of that oversized shirt covered his paws.

Meanwhile, Taehyung wears heart eyes whilst staring at the adorable self of this baby and trying not to break down because how cute Jungkook look.

"So what do you do? You seems younger than Taehyung." Haeun finally asked, after Jungkook finished his drink.

"I'm in high school." Jungkook hummed softly while answering, he's still sleepy and he doesn't like when someone ask him questions while he's sleepy. Moreover, he haven't informed his fathers who would be dead worried about him. So he already has switched off his phone.

"I love doing painting..." He counted down one of his fingers while thinking. Eyes big and lips pouty.

"Then... A lot of shopping." Then counted down his second finger.

"Singing." Another finger. "Dancing." Another finger down. "Gyming." He finished, eyes sparkles up as someone asked about his interest.

Haeun looks hesitated. Taehyung glance over Jungkook in awe, he couldn't help but imagine the younger sitting prettily while doing something with colours and he could stare at him all the day.

"No, I mean what about your studies? And what you have mentioned they are usually hobbies. What are you going to do after high school?" She finally asked, slightly looking unsure about what Jungkook was saying.

"My dads said I can do anything that makes me happy." Jungkook began. "So i'm planning to pursue art after high school."

"Oh?" That's all Haeun could utter because it was new to her. And so odd? She never heard something like that before, in their family, everyone go for higher position jobs which holds a lot of prestige in the society.

"But that's not a career choice, right? It won't take you–"

"Mom." Taehyung interrupted her as he know where this is going now. "That's enough, I think." He emphasized as he doesn't want to take this conversation further.

Haeun frowned. "Uh.. You just mentioned that you have dads? Like two father? Same sex parents, that's peculiar to me."

"Mom." Taehyung said, voice stern and pleading to stop from investigating.

"No, I'm curious. Can't I be? This is new to me. I don't know anyone who has two father. I mean where's your mom?"

Before Taehyung could interrupt his mother, Jungkook spoke up.

"I don't have any mom. But I have two wonderful dads, they are the best like the ironman and they always take care of me. If you're curious, I'm adopted." Jungkook answered. It wasn't the first time he has been questioned like that but it's alright people are curious about everything which is new to them. He wouldn't mind to answer unless they are taunting or making him feel like shit.

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