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"You're being so clingy!!! Leave me!" Jungkook cried out, wiggling into Taehyung's grasp. He has been sitting on his lap since they came down from the bridge as Jungkook wanted to take some pictures of his dad's birth place while Taehyung wanted to hold him close. 

"No, don't go." 

For god's sake, he's drunk and single and lonely. Let him live for once without thinking too much. 

Taehyung rested his forehead against Jungkook's shoulder, sighing to himself and slightly nuzzling to Jungkook's warmth. 

"Leave me or I'll bite you," 

Taehyung immediately unwrapped his arms around him as he was aware of Jungkook's tendencies to do things. Jungkook giggled and rushed away from there. 

A scowl spread over his face before he looked away from him as Jungkook was being annoying. This boy really likes to test his patience. He took a deep breath and exhaled before opening his eyes — he loves his hometown as whenever he seeks for peace, he always has found himself here. The night is more beautiful and serene to recollect his thoughts as his eyes trailed up.

The sound of water flowing was louder than his feelings — but he was glad to hide them. He still has so much to confess to everyone — he wasn't able to understand how his life took a sudden change. 

It's confusing. 

Ugh… He pressed his hands against his temples. Why is he even thinking something like that? Maybe alcohol…

"Stop playing with your phone and come here!" Taehyung shouted from his spot, watching Jungkook clicking some pictures of under the bridge. He was at the verge of pulling out his hair while he could feel the alcohol intaking over him, making him feel dizzy and giddy. 

"Wait!" Jungkook insisted. "I'm sending my pictures to my dad," 

Taehyung glanced over at him, hands on either side of his hips while he sat on the narrow grassland beside the flowing river. He wants to hug and talk to someone so badly — maybe his mother or his hyungs. He has to take this off his chest — it's overwhelming. He sighed to himself.

The younger sauntered to him. Snapping Taehyung out of the train of thoughts. 

"Taehyung! I found this berry looking thing near there," Jungkook pointed towards a random direction while his eyes set upon the black berry which seemingly looked so tasty. 

"Can I eat—" He wasn't able to finish his sentence when Taehyung slapped away the berry from his hand. Snatching away the biggest grin which he had while looking at the berry. 

"Ow? You hurt ms.berry's feelings." He puffed out his bottom lip, trying to look for the dropped berry on the pebble bed. 

"You can't—"

"If you really wanted me to share, you could've just asked for it!" Jungkook cried out, cutting off Taehyung as he failed to spot the berry on the pebble bed. He puffed out his cheeks at Taehyung before shoving his hands into his jacket's pocket. 

Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw Jungkook taking out more berries from the pockets of his jacket as if he plucked and brought some adequate amount of them with himself. 

"You're not eating that—" He scolded, gripping onto Jungkook's wrist to release the berries from the younger's grasp who kept protesting. 

"NO! Why? Leave." Jungkook didn't loosen up his grip around the berries as he clutched onto them almighty. He didn't have the intention to let them go or fall from his hold. 

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