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i'm on hiatus but still decided to update it 😌 so you better shower this chap with comments and votes! And also if you want the next chap soon (; do comment


"Taehyung! Why did you bring this sack bag back again!?" As soon as Taehyung walked into his apartment along with Jungkook, he heard the feminine voice snapped at him.

"Shen, that's really rude of you. He's our guest, talk to him nicely." Taehyung snapped lowly, eyes widen at the sudden ungrateful behaviour of his niece. He was engaged in settling down the groceries bags that he didn't notice the crawling up smirk on Jungkook's face who was staring at the girl with long brown hair. She looked so pissed off and Jungkook was enjoying it.

"NiCelY," Shen scoffed, crossing her arms over chest, glaringly at Jungkook. "My ass! He called me big forehead just because I didn't let him in your apartment."

Taehyung turned around after putting down all those stuff in their proper places. "First of all, fix your language and how– do you guys know each other?"

"No!" Both of them exclaimed in unison.

"I don't talk to ugly people." Jungkook gritted out.

"Same here, fat ass."

Jungkook snickered. "I'm taking that as a compliment, flat ass. At least my ass looks better unlike you." He said, eyeing the girl who was fuming in rage – she clenched her fists. But before she could say anything Taehyung interrupted them.

"Woah, what's happening here?" Taehyung looked towards them in disbelief. "Can anyone care to explain it?"

"He called me fat nose, Taehyung!" She whined.

Jungkook crossed his arms against his chest. "Then you shouldn't have blocked my way in the first place." He gritted out, glaringly.

"You look creepy to me, I had to make sure before letting you in." She said,  giving a relevant reply which made Jungkook to clench his fists because how dare she talk to him like that. No one talks him like that – he turned to look at Taehyung who himself was in shock as what's in the earth was happening.

"And besides Taehyung doesn't have any friends, so it was obvious for me to not letting you in."

"Are you indirectly calling me a loner?" Taehyung mumbled to himself, pouting. Shen smirk as she saw how Jungkook went silent but the smirk soon fades away when she saw tears into Jungkook's eyes. Is he–

Bottom lip trembled as a sob left from Jungkook's lips. "I'm gonna tell my dad that you called me ugly!" He cried out loudly, rolling down on the floor. The corner of Shen's lip twitched before she squinted at the male who bawling like a kid.

"Kook, get up." Taehyung gasped softly as he sauntered forward to the male to pull him up from floor. Eyes wide at the sight.

Shen furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why is he acting like a spoiled brat?"

Taehyung crouched down to pull Jungkook up who continued to cry while kicking his legs on the floor.

"Fat nose calling m-me a b-brat now!" He exclaimed, tears continued to flow down his cheeks. He brought up his fist to wipe away his tears. Taehyung might have dealt with hundreds of kids whom he have taken care properly – but Jungkook always remains exceptional in kids. He's so stubborn and a bratty one – adorable one too which makes him weak for him.

"No one called you–"

"This brat just called me fat nose, Taehyung!!" Shen interrupted, looking at Taehyung in disbelief as Taehyung seems to unheard the word 'fat nose' from the younger's mouth.

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