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02:03 am

Hoseok checked his wristwatch for the nth time, first the work and now this traffic - they were late. Yoongi already fell asleep on his shoulder as they both had a rough day at work. Thankfully, they didn't have to wait more minutes and soon arrived home.

Some maids opened the door for them and approached them to take their blazers off and offered them a glass of water.

"Is Jungkook home?" Yoongi asked the maids first, even though he was so tired and at the edge to fall asleep again. Jungkook had texted them about going to his friend's house but didn't tell them whether he was staying there or not. However, he better not stay at someone else's house.

"Yes, Mr Jung. He arrived home after having dinner with his friend."

Yoongi nodded, looking back at Hoseok.

"Babe, I will be back after checking upon him-"

"No, you'll go to bed right now." Hoseok interrupted him. "I'll go and check on him." He let out a noise to stop Yoongi who was about to protest - the bags under his eyes were evidence that he needs a lot of sleep. He pressed a kiss on Yoongi's temples before going upstairs.

Yoongi saw Hoseok climbing the stairs before he went to their bedroom to change into something casual.

The door creaked open while the lights were dim in the room as Hoseok stepped into Jungkook's room, the only source of light was the moonlight peeking through the gap between curtains. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Jungkook tucked in bed.

Hoseok got startled when he saw the cat staring into his soul with those laser eyes. He patted his chest and sauntered to the bed - picking Jack from the end of the bed, from where he was staring at Jungkook with glowing eyes like a mini demon.

"Jack, you have your bed." He dropped the cat in his bed before going back to Jungkook who was already asleep with his ipad on. He seemed to be working on something but somehow he ended up sleeping.

Hoseok smiled, pushing Jungkook's hair back gently and internally cooing how his cheek looks puffy while pressed against the pillow.

"Goodnight, Kookie," He said quietly before planting a kiss on Jungkook's forehead. He reached for the ipad to place it away from there.

"Papa-" Hoseok was about to leave but paused when he heard the sleepy voice.

"Go back to sleep, bubba."

"You're late..." Jungkook blinked his heavy eyelids lazily before slightly turning back. "Again.." He sounds so cute and sleepy.

"We're sorry, Kookie." There's only one rule set by Jungkook which is considered to be followed by everyone in the Jung mansion. No overworking. The reason behind this is that The Jungs wouldn't be the only ones who would be overworking but their employees at the workplace, maids and servants at home who would be overworking along with them.

Jungkook hums and grabs Hoseok's hand but he seems too sleepy to say anything. Somehow Hoseok managed to slip out of Jungkook's grasp without waking up the latter and went back to his bedroom.

"Are you still awake?" Yoongi hummed in response, already tucked in bed with his favourite side. However, he tilted his head back to get a glimpse of his husband who was buttoning up his loungewear shirt.

Hoseok slipped into blankets soon, spooning his tiny husband with his leg thrown over Yoongi's hip and intertwining their fingers, making their wedding rings clank against each other.

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