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normalize bottom appreciating their top's ass 🗣️
this chap is a roller coaster i hope you'll like it (;


The next morning, Jungkook woke up with the tooting of party horns near his ears which pierced through his eardrums and caused the veins of his head to throb in pain.

Eyes could hardly open as he was half asleep — hair disheveled and messy. He lifted himself from the bed while trying to recognize where he ended up as the room wasn't very familiar but what irked him the most was when his eyes met with a kid.

A freaking kid.

"Who are you?" Damn, he hates kids so much. Jungkook's face scrunched up in exasperation when he heard the voice of the boy who had party horns in hands.

Jungkook massaged his temples while groaning and looking around as he found himself in a foreign bedroom. Those party horns caused him a pounding headache. great.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" He snapped.

The kid gasped loudly, eyes wide as if he heard something so sinful in his whole life. He dropped those party horns and clasped his hand over mouth.

"You're a bad person. I will tell momma that you said a bad word."

Jungkook frowned in confusion while irritation was written all over his face. He was about to say something when Taehyung walked into the room —  wearing a silk black shirt where a few buttons were unbuttoned with some grey trousers, securing it with a belt.

His jaw slacked and eyes wide opened.

"Taetae hyung!!" The irritating voice of the boy made him stop drooling over the elder male who looked utterly delicious. Kim Ye Joon, a fourteen years old boy, rushed to Taehyung.

"Joon, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked worryingly after closing the door behind him. Ye Joon reached for Taehyung's hand before tugging on it and pointing his finger towards Jungkook.

"Hyung, he said a bad word." The boy complained, making Taehyung glance over Jungkook who looked adorable and messy after waking up from his beauty sleep.

"Taetae hyung, h-he said the f-word. Momma said it's bad to use that word."

Taehyung looked down at Ye Joon, caressing his head.

"Joon, what were you doing here? Your mom is searching for you outside."

Jungkook glared at Taehyung. Even though he wasn't able to resist himself from drooling over the elder male who was looking like a walking buffet from head to toe with slick honey blonde hair and what not.

Joon's eyes widened. "Is she? Okay I'm going then." He rushed towards the door before twisting the doorknob with both of his hands and opening it for himself.

Taehyung grinned at the little one who rushed away from there. He puffed out a sigh of relief before turning back.

"Why did you swear in front of him?"

The younger ignored it. "Nice ass," Jungkook sent a wink to Taehyung before groaning as his headache was killing him now. He fell down on the bed again.

"Good morning," The elder greeted him like a normal person after letting out an awkward cough at the comment. He walked to the bed and grabbed the blanket to fold it while watching Jungkook rolling on the bed — it made him smile.

"Don't you have something called 'privacy' in your house?" Jungkook sat up, pouting while massaging his temples. Taehyung pressed his lips together before sighing.

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