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A frown formed on Jungkook's lips when Taehyung slapped away his hand in sleep while he was poking the elder's nose to wake him up. He placed his palm against Taehyung's chest and leaned forward to blow air into his ear in order to wake him. 


Taehyung's eyes fluttered open which immediately met with Jungkook's, who dressed up like a cowboy for some reason. 

"Good morning," 

Jungkook smiled brightly at the husky and raspy morning voice of Taehyung. He got up from Taehyung's lap and stood up before snatching the blanket off Taehyung's body and swirling round the blanket in the air. 

"Yeehaw, bitches!" He threw the blanket on the ground and climbed off the bed. 

Taehyung sighed unsurprised as he was used to it now. He looked up at the ceiling with bored eyes while he could hear the squealing of Jungkook who was in his own world. 

But what made him scream was when he sat up on bed and was greeted by boxes full of red roses in his bedroom. He startled Jungkook by his sudden scream. 

"What the hell!!??" He snapped, eyes big as they wandered across the room. "Why did you do this again?" He rested his palms against his face — shaking his head. 

"Why? Are you allergic to roses or you didn't like the colour?" Jungkook stopped jumping and fixed his cowboy hat as it was falling down from his head. He sauntered to Taehyung and grabbed those bread cheeks, making him look at him. 

"Your eyes are red, did you cry too much?" 

Taehyung stared at him before looking away, rubbing his eyes while pretending something went into his eyes. He scratched his neck sheepishly when he felt Jungkook's gaze on himself. 

"Not actually." 

Jungkook suspiciously examined him. "Are you happy? I did this for you and myself." 

Nonetheless, Taehyung sighed. "Stop wasting money, Kook. It's not healthy at all." 

"Oh? But my dads are rich and I'm their favourite child." 

Taehyung knew Jungkook wasn't bragging about being rich or whatever, he just replied to his question. He chuckled out when he saw how big the cowboy hat was looking on Jungkook's head. 

"Come here," He said, already pulling Jungkook by his small waist before scooping the younger into his arms. But yelped in pain when Jungkook's necklace smacked against his forehead. 

"You're going to kill me," Taehyung mumbled while rubbing his hurt part. However, Jungkook ignored it and reached over again to embrace him. 

"Morning hug makes the day better~" Jungkook sang, cradling Taehyung into his grasp, who stupidly smiled and closed his eyes which were burning from crying too much. 

His life has already changed since the day Jungkook had pinned him to ask him if he was the Taehyung that he had searching for. He shouldn't be surprised by what happened yesterday, they are just opposite to each other and have grown up in different households. They aren't aware about each other's lifestyle.

Jungkook talks so much, Taehyung is opposite to him — as he thinks before replying firmly to someone. Taehyung is an observer while Jungkook wouldn't care unless it's his business. Opposite attractions make beautiful bonds, they say. No one ever knew what they used to believe would turn into reality.  

However, Jungkook always knows when Taehyung needs to hold, especially when he isn't in the right state of mind to think properly. Like he did yesterday. From being an annoying ass brat to a squishy adorable baby, he likes every sight of Jungkook. Maybe that's why Taehyung likes Jungkook to be around him. 

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