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Taehyung hadn't forgotten the jiggling of butterflies in his stomach right after slamming the car door close and lacing his fingers with Jungkook to proceed towards the wedding venue

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Taehyung hadn't forgotten the jiggling of butterflies in his stomach right after slamming the car door close and lacing his fingers with Jungkook to proceed towards the wedding venue. Unknown and known faces which Jungkook was familiar with through some business dinner parties, they failed to recognize him. 

Taehyung could feel stares and could hear some of them whispering, probably his unrecognisable relatives. He wasn't surprised when someone stopped them on their way to meet Jin, just to ask about themselves (and their relationship) in the most subtle way. 

"You guys look perfect together."

It warms up his heart when one of his aunts said that and since then his smile hasn't left his lips. He couldn't help but become dreamy about it which he shouldn't. Sometimes it makes him sigh in disappointment as he expects too much and gets nothing in return, it's his fault anyways and he always admits it. 

Now he was staring at his Hyung, who was in the middle of getting his hair done before the marriage ceremony while Jungkook was hugging him, sniffling dramatically as he complained about how Jin would forget about him and how they would go to honeymoon without him. 

Jin was amused and surprised by when Jungkook entered into his room where he was getting dressed for the ceremony. He looked pretty while carrying the dress and everything about him was just pretty and dainty. His accentuated petite waist was cladded with the dress laces while the cut of the dress revealed one of his legs. Along with his perfect makeup and hair which makes him look like a doll.

Jungkook was different as Jin wasn't someone who would offer hugs to someone whom he just met a few days ago, he doesn't stand clingy unless it's his fiance. But they seem to get along with each other. 

A blush spread over Taehyung's cheeks when Jin caught him staring, making him look away from them. There's a lot of things which Taehyung hasn't confessed yet but as a brother Jin could see everything. Afterall he wasn't new to such a thing. 

Later they left the room to go to the ceremony hall. 

"Tae, isn't the hall in the opposite direction?" Jungkook asked, walking to where Taehyung was leading him to. 

Taehyung looked around before sliding down his palm to cup Jungkook's ass, giving a hard squeeze. 

"Why, don't you see I want fuck you in the dress?" The elder confessed shamelessly, grabbing Jungkook's forearm to halt his movement before pinning him on the wall near them, pressing his body upon the younger's. 

"You want to get caught, huh?" Jungkook squinted his eyes, pressing his palm against the firm chest, fingertips brushing against the tie which he would love to pull to capture his lips with his own. 

"Getting bold, puppy." 

Taehyung had a smug look which said a lot of unspoken things while thumbing the spine of Jungkook who shuddered as the cold fingertips trailed up along with his spine. The elder swore under his breath when Jungkook cupped his crotch area and squeezed into his grasp — almost making him breathless and unsteady in his legs. 

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