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thank you for 100k+ reads 😡💞 now let's make out (jk unless...)


"How about—"

"No, I can't today. I'm kinda busy," Jungkook whines, interrupting Jimin in between his sentences. Jimin chuckled softly while they were walking in the restaurant where they decided to meet for breakfast. He watches his best friends flashing big grins as if he was excited in anticipation, except when Jimin opened his mouth to know the reason, Jungkook himself announced it. 

"I'm going out with Taehyung." The sudden confession brought immediate attention from his friends, emitting hooting from them. 

"Who's Taehyung?" Jackson asked, looking up after locking his phone which he was using to avoid any eye contact with Jimin. They settled down on their seats before Serena nudged Jungkook's side, wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"His boyfriend." 

Jackson shot a glare towards Jimin who answered his question instead of Jungkook. 

"He isn't my boyfriend, Chimin." Jungkook voiced out, hitting his best friend's shoulder who sat next to him while Jackson was sitting right across from him. Jimin pouts and adds "soon to be", to which Jackson could feel his nails digging into his palm. 

"My DILF hunting plan was a success," Jungkook said with mischievous sparkly eyes. No one knows the details between Taehyung and him, except Jimin of course. As he tells about how they meet to how they are doing right now, Jackson could find himself furrowing deep. They seem closer than they should be considering their relationship which starts with a casual hookup.

"Is he big?" 

"Bet he is smaller than chilly pepper." 

"No, Jimin, we aren't talking about one of your exes." 

"He is like 8 inches when he's hard,"

"That's scary." Hana grimaced, shaking her head. Her girlfriend, Serena gave her a look that she agreed with her. 

"How old is he?" "24 with a kid." 

"Is he cheating—" "No, he's a dog dad." 

Jackson remains quiet, listening to them while eating his breakfast. If only everyone knew the truth…. He glanced over Jungkook who seemed happy and giggly which was unusual as whenever he used to talk about the boys that he kissed in past years, it'd be a shady remark about how they wouldn't even know how to hold him while kissing. 

He looks so changed?

Jeon Jungkook doesn't give a shit when it comes to boys. They are like seasons as he describes it — they will come back to the place in either way. However, it becomes a completely different case when Jungkook seems to put effort into something. 

"Kook, you could've invited him for breakfast, we'd be able to meet Taehyung," Jimin said before patting his lips with some napkins as they were almost done. 

"Nah, I'm gatekeeping him for now." 

Jackson felt his heart sinking and skin crawling. He doesn't like the feeling of something slipping out of his grasp. 

"For the first time in my life, I'm shit scared of my dads because Taehyung was asked to babysit me by Yoongi dad as he was my neighbour and stuff but they don't know that he was the one who is fucking their kid." 

They all laughed, except Jackson who felt more uneasy. 

"Hey, I gotta go Taehyung messaged me that he's almost here," Jungkook announced, looking at the texts from Taehyung. Jackson swirls his fork around his noodles as he keeps looking at Jungkook while his food remains untouched. He doesn't feel good about this Taehyung. 

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