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thanks for 15k+ reads, that means a lot to me 🥺💖 and please do comment about what you think of this chap

- polo 💚



The voice appeared into the room causing the two males to turn their heads towards the door. Yoongi let out a smile when he saw how Jungkook was peeking through the door - eyes big in worry. He looks the same Jungkook who stepped into this mansion for the first time after they officially adopted him, those big eyes were filled up with sparkles which makes him extra adorable.

"Uncle Dong-hyun, is dad alright now?" Jungkook asked while fidgeting, the tallest man in the room named Dong-Hyun, he was their family doctor, brown hair, tall and lean figure with a small smile plastered over his face.

"He is." Dong-Hyun stood up from his place as his work was done. Yoongi sighed softly as he know what's coming next while laying on the bed with a blanket on.

Dong-Hyun ruffled Jungkook's hair, grinning at the boy who looks so healthy now because few years ago when they met him for the first time, his health wasn't good like now. But he turned out a health one.

"But you should scold your dad for doing over working. I won't say he's at his good condition but he is stressing out so much lately-"

"Dong-Hyun, why are you saying this to him?" Yoongi whined, weak. He looks so drained out right now. So weak to even sit on his own but he doesn't want Jungkook to worry about him.

"No, why?! I want to know too!! Don't listen to dad, tell me if he needs anything more." Jungkook grumbled with an angry pout, looking at Yoongi and then at Dong-Hyun.

"Don't worry, he will be okay. If he takes the prescribed medicines and a proper rest," Dong-Hyun gave an assuring smile to him before walking away from there.

Jungkook sauntered over the king size bed where his dad was laying there - jumping beside his dad, getting under the blanket, snuggling closer to his dad who hummed softly before wrapping his arms around his little one.

"You're over working yourself, dad?" Jungkook asked, cuddling up to his dad who almost looking like a dead corpse.

"You and papa promised me that you two wouldn't continue doing it. I hate you." Head pressed against Yoongi's chest who has no energy to utter any word - he was so tired. He was doing alright in the morning but suddenly he felt so weak since the afternoon time. His health been deteriorating.

"No, bub." Yoongi managed to let out, his body felt so drained out that his grip slowly loosen up around Jungkook.

"I hate lying too."

Yoongi hummed - thinking about what went wrong. He always eat and drink healthy things with a proper sleeping routine. How all of a sudden his health became so pathetic?

"Jungkook, we were so worried about you. Hoseok went to pick up you from your school and found you already left with Jimin's car. Where did you go?" He asked worryingly, though his body wasn't cooperating with him.

Jungkook let out a whine, sitting up on the bed. "I'm sorry," He said cutely. "But it's not about me. You should take care of yourself."

"You can't just leave to go anywhere without informing us. Do you get that?" Yoongi sighed at the reckless behaviour of Jungkook.

Jungkook pouted. "m'sorry." He said quietly, before laying on his dad's arm who let out a sigh as he was tired.

"Dadda, where's Jack?"

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