Chapter 2- The Beginning Part 2

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That morning as usual I got up at 7 a.m. and went to the gym to work out.
After 2 hour of workout, I headed to the kitchen for some breakfast.

The kitchen staff had prepared the breakfast for everyone and I happily enjoyed my Muesli and Orange juice.
While I was having my breakfast, Mum and Kathreen joined me at the table.

While I was having my breakfast, Mum and Kathreen joined me at the table

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"Good morning Mum and Kath", i greeted.

"Good morning to you too Darling", mum replied.

"Hey sis, seems like you had a great workout", Kath replied.

"Oh I did, after all I need to get ready for the Siren's so called 'surprise attack' today", I said.

"Haha right, afterall they do love trying to ruin a gala. I don't know when will they understand that their attack timings are no longer a surprise.", Kath said playfully.

She continued, "So I assume even today you won't be attending it?"

"Nope, I wouldn't even if they don't attack ", i replied.

"WHY?!", Kath screamed

"You very well know why.. I don't want to see that lying jerk's face again!", I explained

"Come on Andrea, you very well know Sky didn't cheat. Well, yes he did lie to you about his identity simply because he didn't want you running away because he is the Vampire prince!", she retorted

I stopped eating at this point and replied, "Isn't hiding one's identity also cheating and anyways obviously I wouldn't have let him near me if I knew he was a Vampire in the first place. You very well know the fact that werewolves and vampires don't get along!"

"Well he doesn't know your a Werewolf, as a matter of fact no one does...
So you should've recognized that he was a vampire in those 6 months you dated.", Kath argued.

"That's the problem with Vampire royals, you literally cannot distinguish them from Warlocks because they too can do magic and are practically immune to sunlight. So how would I have known it especially when he made sure that his fangs doesn't come out even when we were kissing or the fact that he literally acted normal when I was bleeding due to a cut across my arm during an attack", I retorted.

"Well even I don't understand how did he control himself then... Maybe he was too afraid to lose you so did everything he could to hide his identity... why don't you understand that maybe he just loves you that much", she explained.

"I know Kath and that's why I can't face him again because either I would kill him for lying or I don't even know what the hell would I do...
anyways enough about Sky, where is Dad? I didn't see him at the gym either", I  tried to change the topic.

"He's busy checking and supervising everything for the Gala tonight as well as the 'surprise' attack", Mum chuckled as she said surprise.

I finished my breakfast and bid them goodbye to prepare for tonight as I'm excited to try some new spells which I recently learned.


It is around 6:30 p.m. right now and the guests have started to enter the grand hall for the Gala.

I'm at the high point border right now and I could see the castle as well from here and it looks beautiful whenever it's lit up for some event. Sometimes I find myself even wishing to attend some event again...
I was a teenager, the last time I attended and I'm 23 years old now. At that age where one tries to find a mate or a partner for themselves to settle with.
So you can understand why the number of balls and Galas have increased...

While I was being carried away by my train of thoughts... a glint of something shiny caught my eye...

I looked below and saw a very beautiful woman following a man. At first I dismissed it but something felt odd because she did seem like she belonged to some rich family but they both weren't headed for the castle.
I thought maybe the Sirens decided a new tactic and disguised themselves to infiltrate the kingdom so I followed them.

Weirdly they got into one of the shuttles

So I did the same and followed them all the way to the surface

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So I did the same and followed them all the way to the surface.
At this point I started doubting my decision of following them and wasting my time but I did it anyway.
Once I reached the surface I saw them rushing into a nearby cottage.

As soon as I realized what their intention was, I decided to head back since obviously they would want some private time. But one side faced glimpse of that man and I couldn't believe my eyes.
So I followed them to the cottage and peeked inside the window. To my horror, it was indeed my Dad with that other woman making out on the Couch. My dad who couldn't keep his hands to himself and was all over that woman.

I couldn't control the tears flowing down my face.
My Father was cheating on my Mum, the one he claims to be the love of his life.
If Kath or Mum found out about this they would be complete shattered.
I can't let that happen.
While all of this was processing in my mind, I didn't realize that I stepped on a twig which snapped and Dad came out rushing, only to find me shocked and in tears, standing in front of him.

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