Chapter 10- First day of Training

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The next two days went with the same routine. Either Selene or Xander would show me around the pack's territory. They had an enormous forest that surrounded the palace, which was a great location for the wolves to shift and run around.
I got to know that usually the mornings here until lunch, is spent training. Every wolf, no matter their age, has to come everyday and train atleast for an hour.
The Cresent Moon pack also had a huge number of warriors and there were rankings among them too.
It was really nice watching them train. Sometimes Seph would wish to go out and train as well so I finally decided to fulfill her wish since I missed training too.
So I plan on asking Xander today to allow me to train. Though Seph can't come out and run around but she's fine as long as I could train. She craves atleast some form of action and I can't blame her too since I always trained atleast an hour everyday but ever since coming to Cynthia, I've gotten really lazy and we need to get back in shape soon. I don't know when I would encounter that Rouge wolf again but whenever that happens I have to be ready and in my best shape. I did notice while fighting that group of wolves that my movements have become quite sloppy compared to the past. So I need to get my speed and agility back again afterall I have to live upto my name, my identity as Captain Alex does deserve that.

So I woke up at 6 today. The sun hasn't risen up yet and by now I know Xander would be up and getting ready to go out for training. So I used my magic and changed into workout clothes.

I quietly stepped out of the room and I went next door. I was about to knock, when Xander opened the door and he was surprised to see me awake so early. Then he gave me a complete look over and asked, "Going for a walk?"

"Well Yes and No.", I replied.

"I came here to ask you to allow me to train with your pack. Before you say anything, I really need to train and I almost loving seeing you all train and I'm just standing awkwardly.", I continued.

"Ok. You can walk and run as much as you want but how can I let you combat with any of my pack members.", he said.

"Oh, come on! You even let Diana train now and she's new here too", I protested.

"Alexa, it's not about being new here. She's a wolf.", he said.

I made really sad face and gave him my best puppy dog eyes. I know that no one can tell me no if I do that, it has always been my secret weapon when nothing else worked. I should really thank Kathreen for teaching me this.

Xander seemed to mentally struggle for a moment and then sighed.

"Fine. I'll let you have combat training with them though I'll make sure they go easy on you. And No that's not up for debate anymore more.", he said while rubbing his eyebrows.

I jumped in happiness and hugged him.
"Thank you soooooo muchhhhh", I said.


Once we went to the training ground, Xander introduced me to the pack. He entrusted me to his Delta Dimitri, who is incharge of training the pack members.

For half an hour, we all did warm up exercises and after that, everyone had to run for 5 miles upto another location. During this entire time, Xander never left my side. One side Xander was there and on the other side, Ryan and Diana were there. Xander was impressed when I kept my running pace similar to his.

Once we were done running, I noticed that we had reached an academy. It was similar to my Atlantean combat training arena. Everyone then dispersed as per their ranking and the groups they were assigned. I went along with Xander,  Ryan and others. We went inside to an open combat ground, where the warriors train. Xander then informed me this is where he, Ryan, Dimitri and his Gamma Allister train with the warriors.

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