Chapter 5- The Present

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So that's how it lead to the present, where I'm currently in my apartment.
I'm already in tears just by thinking about all the events that led me here.
I didn't even realise when I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with the rays of sunlight coming from the balcony, falling on me.
I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them. Unwillingly I got out of the bed and went to the washroom to freshen up. Then ordered some food with the money Grandma had given, ate it and went back to the bedroom, shut the blinds and went back on the bed, crying all over again.
This routine of crying, having one meal and crying even more with crying myself to sleep, continued for a few days until one fine day, when I woke up with the sunrays peaking between the closed blinds shining on me and I could barely open my eyes.
'Damn, my eyes still hurts from all the crying', I spoke to myself.

'And that's why you need to get a hold on yourself Andrea, even though we're in Cynthia right now, you need to get back on your feet and get stronger. This is just a retreat for the time being.', my wolf, Seph said, with her voice filled with concern.

'You're right. We need to do something, I can't just sit here and sulk the entire day.', I replied.

'Maybe we can find a job somewhere? That could keep us occupied and since we are running low on cash too', Seph suggested.

'Yeah, I think we should. We just need to make sure to stay under the radar though. We could take a job in some backoffice department or library. Since there are so many Libraries here.', I replied.

'I think I did see a Library on the way here, it's a couple of blocks away too, so in that way we can keep our residence location a secret too.',Seph said.

'How about we change and go check out that place right now?', Seph added.

'Right now???', I groaned.

'Yes right now. So get your ass up and go freshen up and get ready to leave.', Seph said sternly.

I forced myself out of the bed and to the washroom for a nice warm bath.
After 30 minutes of scrubbing myself throughly so that I look normal and not some puff ball because of all the sleepless nights and crying, I got dressed into a striped Formal shirt and knee length black skirt.

After 30 minutes of scrubbing myself throughly so that I look normal and not some puff ball because of all the sleepless nights and crying, I got dressed into a striped Formal shirt and knee length black skirt

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I quickly checked again and once I felt I look fine I took my car keys, and left.


After about 10 minutes of driving, I reached my destination.
Seph was right. There was an amazing Library not that far away, named Cresent Moon Library written in Mandarin at the top of the entrance. As luck would have it, they had an pamphlet stuck in front stating that the Cresent Moon Library was in search of a part timer or full timer. Yes, because of the name written on the pamphlet, I understood that it was Cresent Moon Library written in Mandarin above.

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