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"...Aren't you gonna untie me?"
"Nope." Mozu said, pulling you behind him as you both walked through the hallways. "I like you better when you're tied up."
"Ew." you immediately said, making him laugh. "Untie me asshole!"
"(Y/n)!" Matsukaze called out as he and Ginrou joined you.
He immediately cut down your ropes. You glared at Mozu who just clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. Suddenly a man from Xeno's side noticed your group and ran towards you.
"Shit!" you said. "We gotta get out of here!"
"Pfff, please." Mozu said as he casually walked up to the guy while Matsukaze stood in front of you and Ginrou in protection.

The soldier pointed his machine gun at him but he simply smiled.
"Heh, those mechanical gun things are your mightiest close combat weapons," he readied himself. "and according to your rules, we're supposed to tremble in fear and surrender the second you point them at us, correct?"
You prepared yourself to run. But then, Mozu took him down using Hyouga's spear wielding style. Either it was because of the element of surprise, or Mozu really was that powerful, but you were left speechless.
"But," he said, looking down at the passed out soldier. "I don't think us island warriors will go down that easy, since we don't know your rules." he noticed you staring at him. "What? Turned on?"
You gagged in disgust, sticking your tongue out. He chuckled again.

On your way back up the deck, it seemed like the soldiers were overwhelmed by the two warriors and started to retreat. One guy threw a bunch of grenades your way but Matsukaze deflected them all with his bamboo sword, launching them in the air right before they all exploded.
"Holy shit!" you exclaimed.
"Nice." Mozu smiled. "We're combining modern and ancient moved."
'I guess that with their powers combined, they do make an almost unstoppable team.' you pursued your lips. 'I doubt this'll go on forever, but they can at least make them suffer a blow or two.'
One of the soldiers took out what looked like a bomb, and with the size of the thing, it could probably blow a big part of the boat.
"Bad idea dude!" you pointed at him. "You use that thing and we're all in deep shit!"
"Oh? You really wanna kill our cutest girl?" Mozu said, a sadistic grin on his face. "Aren't you people shorthanded? Wouldn't you prefer to take live prisoners? If I were you, I wouldn't try anything crazy!" his smiled widen. "But I am more than happy to go crazy!"
"Uh-sure! So chill!" you added.

"Yeah, let's take it easy boys." a tall buff woman with black hair said. "Look up there. Seems like the dogfight is just about over."
You looked up and saw that Stanley's engine sucked up some kind of gas the boys threw at him and was beginning to crash. But unfortunately, their own engine sucked up some of the gas and they crashed in the same area.
'They'll be fine.' you thought, half-believing it yourself. 'At least Stanley's aircraft isn't a problem anymore.'
"Okay, it's done!" the lady clapped her hands. "Hide and seek is over~! Time for the star to make his entrance!"
"Who's doing his what now?"

Just then, one of the submarine's trap doors opened and someone popped out, jumping unto the ship and landing between Mozu and Marsukaze. As soon as he did, he shot them both clean in their shoulder, destroying their weapons. Frozen with shock, you looked up. He was wearing a long coat, at his belt was a big knife, his hair were pushed back expect for one bang hovering above his face. He had a single crack going across his face bellow his eyes. He was smoking a cigarette.
He glanced at you and your shoulders tensed up. You weren't stupid, you weren't going to try anything. He had a gun for god sake!
Still, you didn't like the way he was looking down on you.

"Enemy combatants have been subdued." he coldly said, looking at his colleagues. "Job's done."
'Oh so I'm no threat now? No need to even bother is that it?'
He turned away and started walking. You looked down and kicked him in the back of his knee, making him kneel down with a grunt. You heard shocked gasps.
"Hey you brat! What do you think you're doing?!" one of the other soldiers grabbed you from behind, holding you up in an armlock.
'Oh god I immediately regret this!!!'
You watched as Stanley calmly stood back up and looked at you, frowning. You gulped. Oh yeah, this was a bad idea.
"Just tie her up with the others." he said before walking away.

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