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Senku knew that he needed help on this one. And there was only one person who could help, someone who knew how both you and him worked.
It already irritated him when he walked to Gen's table. Seeing him casually stirring his drink with his straw and purposefully sitting at a certain distance from everyone like he was just waiting for him, like he had some kind of bullshit divination powers! But Senku ignored that frustration and sat across from him.
"What is wrong with me?" he immediately asked with the most serious of expression.

"Why good evening to you too." Gen chuckled. "And also, oh my! Senku-chan, finally you've come to me!" he opened his arms, enjoying every second of this situation. "Welcome to Asagiri Gen's psychological check!"
"Cut the crap mentalist, just tell me."
"Well, first I have to know:" he leaned closer. "how did it feel to be jealous for the first time?"
"It was absolute nonsense!" he looked down, still a bit frustrated by this. "Of course it's a great solution for her to learn how to defend herself! And Tsukasa is the best man for the job! It's so obvious it's painful! But I wasn't thinking, I just...said stuff!"
"Oh my oh my! Senku-chan not thinking?! I'm shook!"
"Shut the fuck up." he glared at him.
"But then again, Senku-chan being jealous in the first place is soooo out of character." he giggles, waving his hand.

"I don't get it. Tsukasa's been here for a while but that's the first time I'm acting like that." he said.
"Oh~ Senku Senku Senku. You sure aren't that smart when it comes to emotions." he slowly shook his head and took a sip of his drink. "Jealousy doesn't come from a Mr. Steal-your-girl." he paused. "It comes from your own insecurities."
Senku's eyes narrowed. 'Insecure' was never a word associated with him, ever.
"Well, in one way or another, you're blaming yourself for all of (Y/n)-chan's mishaps. And so when Tsukasa came back and vowed to take her under his wing, you subconsciously thought that he was more capable of protecting her than you, therefore that he could take her away from you. That plus the fact that he's her ideal man and that the two of them are close, closer even now with their new mentor-student relationship."

Senku groaned, leaning back and rubbing his face.
"Jesus christ." he mumbled before looking back at Gen. "So how do I stop?"
"I mean, you don't stop being jealous just like that." he snapped his fingers. "But there way. With both your consents of course."
Senku raised an eyebrow, but he listened.

Tsukasa was looking for you. He went to your training room and started to hear something. He entered and saw you sitting down, waving around some kind of percussion instruments in your hands. You stopped and looked at him.
"...They're new." you said. "I couldn't help myself, I had to bring them with me."
"What are they?" he asked, walking up to you.
"It's a west African instrument." you showed one of them to him. "It's basically two small maracas connected by a string. You hold one ball in your hand and spin the other one around so you make them hit each-other. It's pretty dope." you started playing again. "Here in Japan, we call it patica, but I prefer kashaka."

Tsukasa sat beside you.
"You know," he said after a moment of silence. "I'm not really fond of the idea of me being a punching bag."
You stopped playing.
"I could tell by the look on your face you weren't coming at me for training."
"I'm so sorry~!" you covered your mouth, blushing. "I wasn't thinking!"

"Do you mind telling me what happened? I assume it's between you and Senku."
You looked down.
"He's jealous..." you glanced at him. "of you."

"Well... I guess he has good reasons to be." you looked away. "You are kinda my type after all."
You said it in a quieter tone, but with the silence of the room, he heard it clearly. And his heart skipped a beat.
"You're my type too."
You turned towards him with your eyes wide open, locking eye contact with Tsukasa. It was a weird feeling you two had in this very moment. You both knew, but it was the first time you said it. You finally addressed the elephant in the room.
Tsukasa placed his hand on yours but you quickly took yours away and leaned back.

"I love Senku!" you said, louder than wanted.
Tsukasa looked surprised, and you were too to be honest! Of course you knew you liked Senku, you wouldn't have dated him otherwise.'s the first time you used the word 'love'. It came out so naturally too.

"I'm so sorry." Tsukasa smiled and stood up. "I'll understand if you don't want to train with me anymor-."
"Wait, no, hey." you stood up. "You're my friend, I still wanna train with you, it's fun. But just as friends!" you held up your index. "We lifted...that, off our chest, and now we establish that 'this' isn't possible."
He chuckled.
"Of course, I completely understand." he paused. "I'm glad we're friends (Y/n), I really am."
You smiled.
"Me too."
"I'll see you tomorrow." he waved. "First thing in the morning."
You waved back. Once he closed the door, you let out a big sigh and sat back down, feeling lighter.

Senku knew where you'd be, and he was about to open the door when he heard you say it. He could tell you said it louder than you wanted.
Upon hearing this, his mind went blank and he stood there motionless.

The sound of Tsukasa coming closer snapped him out of his trance. He rushed a few meters away then casually walked back as the door opened. So to Tsukasa, it was like he just arrived here. They briefly looked at each-other, Tsukasa smiling as he walked passed him. Senku stood in front of the door again and waited a few more seconds before walking in.

"Mmh?" you looked at him and stood up. "Senku?"
He walked up to you, with each step he took you began to panic a bit, seeing the determined look on his face and having no idea what was going through his head. He placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed you.
'WOAH! Hello!' you thought, not expecting that one.
You didn't wait long to kiss him back. The fact that he was taking the lead (and being good at it!) was very new to you. Seemed like he learned a thing or two since your first kiss. Your heart made a full 180 turn when he gently put his thumb on your bottom lip to make you open your mouth. Being a bit overwhelmed, you gently pushed him away, but still keeping him close to you.

"I love you." you looked into his eyes, your face red, breathing deeply.
Senku stayed quiet for a moment, not looking away. His eyes softened, his cheeks turned red.
"I know." he whispered.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him again.

As his hand traced down your thigh, Senku thought for a brief moment about what Gen told him.
'If there is one thing I know for sure, is that make up sex is the best medicine in those situations!'

My Own Science (Dr Stone Senku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now