Shrek 4

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[Disclaimer: it's an inside joke with my quotev readers (fam~), this chapter isn't actually about Shrek 4, sorry)

You decided to have a monthly performance, gotta keep the business going. It gave you enough time to think about what to play, rehearse and have a bit of free time after the performance.
Right now, you were in your office, thinking deeply. You decided to compose new things. So far you played what you already made, and it wasn't very complete or it was too short for a performance. You wanted to make some real piece with the inspiration the past events gave you.

And inspiration you didn't have.
Bringing your guitar with you, you changed location multiple times, thinking the scenery would inspire you. You went in the comfort of your home, you watched the beautiful landscape from the top of the mountain, you silently admired from afar the deers in the clearing and that one just made you sad.

You let out a sigh as you walk back. It was early in the morning and not everyone was awake. Because it was quiet, you could hear noises towards the ship-building site. Curious, you walked over and saw Senku, working. Of course he'd be the first one to come here.
You approached closer and sat at a certain distance from him, putting your instrument beside you. He was too focused to notice. You crossed your legs and rested your head on your palm and your elbow on your knee. A smile naturally formed on your face. Watching him work, with the silence and the rising sun. It all felt so simple and yet so grand with the giant ship's body right next to him. He grabbed the hammer and hit the wood at a regular speed. You nodded along his rhythm and slowly, you grabbed your guitar.
He glanced at you when you began to play. As soon as he heard the first note, he knew it was you. He smiled and kept hitting the wood, even when at some point, he didn't need to. He waited for you to finish. It was simple, kinda childish even, but it was very calm.

When you finished, he stood up and faced you. You smiled and stood up.
"Yo." he said.
"Hey." you walked up to him.
"Out of inspiration?"
"I was!" you pointed at him. "But now I got something." you smiled. "Did you have breakfast?"
"A bit yeah."
"What do you mean a bit?"
"I had to finish this so I came here as soon as I could." he pointed at the non-specific science thing. "I just grabbed a piece of bread from François' bake space."
"Dude! You can't just eat bread and call it a meal, come on."
He shrugged.
"It was just for today it's fine."

You realized the situation you were in.
'Couple-thing incoming!!!'
"How 'bout I... I grab ourselves something more substantial?"
He raised an eyebrow at 'ourselves', you smiled in your guilt.
"I haven't eaten at all."
"(Y/n)." he said in a dead tone, making you wheeze.
"I was about to have breakfast!" you said in defense as you walked away.
He just shook his head in disapproval, you laughed again.

You ended up having breakfast together, chatting about the things you were planning to work on today. You stayed a bit longer and worked on your melody a bit. Repeating certain keys, stopping right in the middle.
"You tell me if it's bothering you." you told Senku, understanding if it was the case.
"Nah, don't worry 'bout it." he said, not looking up from his work.
You smiled. This was nice.

The afternoon came in and you were thinking about which song you'd play for your performance. You wanted to throw your repertoire out there for all of humanity to listen, so that the music made by all those talented artist isn't forgotten.

At some point, the kids came in and asked for a little lesson, you decided to take a break and join them.
"There is something you guys can do at home." you said. "It's a cool singing thing you can do with two or more people: one person sings a high note, the other sings it lower, and as they sing, they play off each-other. It's calle-"
"A magmony!" Suika raised her hand.
"A what now?" you blinked twice, taken aback by what she said.
She enthusiastically nodded.
"Magma told us about it!"
"Yeah! He even showed it to us!" another kid added. "He has a really nice voice!"

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