There they go

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You were glad Ryusui took your rejection well, though he did say he'd always be available for a casual date. When you explained the situation to him, it turned into a gossip session. In which he actively took part.
"And then! He said goodnight and just walked away."
"Oh my god, what?!"
"Right?! That's fucked up!"

But Senku had a different treatment.
"Senku you fool! How could could leave such a beautiful, kind and talented woman standing for a month?!" was the first thing he told him after that. "You better treat her like a queen!"
Senku groaned and rolled his eyes. Thankfully, they were alone when he said that.

He also said that he would've given him a whole lecture on how to treat a woman if it wasn't for your request. When you explained the situation, you asked him to keep it quiet for now. You knew such news would attract a lot of attention, and you knew Senku would *hate* to be surrounded by people, drowning him with questions.
And oh boy he was *so* grateful for that.

You on the other hand both wished you did and didn't keep it a secret. Because after your performance, some new admirers came knocking at your office's door from time to time. Some were villagers, others were part of Tsukasa's army of buffy boys. You just politely rejected them, knowing it'd be the end for Senku if those buff boys found out. But at the same time you just really wanted to hit them with a 'Bitch! I have a bo-!'
You covered your mouth, keeping yourself from giggling bashfully.

So you kept it secret, for now at least. But! Our mentalist noticed. At least, you suspected him to have.
"You look happy today (Y/n)-chan!"
"Oh." you looked at him. "Really?"
He nodded.
"You're almost shining~!" he rested his chin on his palm.
You chuckled nervously.
But he didn't push it further, he just smiled. And you were just hoping he wasn't planning to say or do anything.

And you know what? You were right! He was just going to wait, be patient... Cut to Gen mentally laughing maniacally at his (somewhat) 'maniacal' plan.

Finally the hot air balloon was complete! It was massive!
As you were all eating together, Senku explained that only three people could get on this little trip.
"I'll pass." Gen raised his hand.
"I won't!" you exclaimed. "I will get on that balloon!"
"Obviously, Senku will be one of those three people since he knows how to operate it." Taiju said. "But what about the last one?"
"You just assumed (Y/n)-chan will be part of the three?"
"Uh, yeah, 'cause he's right!" you raised your hand and Taiju gave you a high-five.

"I can't pilot the balloon by myself." Senku said. "In order to operate it, you have to combine the operation with reading the patterns of the wind. So the pilot has to be a pro at understanding the wind."
"I see. Hey! Ryus-" Taiju began to call out when Gen slapped him on the head.
"You are both terrible at negotiation!" he whispered harshly. "This is our chance to rip off Ryusui for some more cash! 100,000 dragos to be our pilot!"
"Aah~, I'll leave that kind of underhanded stuff to you."

Gen gathered everyone for a lottery. The one who'll pick the two jokers will be the two passengers. And you figured Gen will use his 'forcing'. You leaned closer to him and stared into his eyes. The intensity of your gaze took him by surprise.
"Gen. Give me the joker." you whispered. "Or else. I swear to god. I'm going to be so sad."
He puffed a chuckle, feeling silly to have actually gotten tense. He just smiled and presented the cards to you. You narrowed your eyes then looked down at them. A few seconds later, you gulped and picked a card.

"OOOOOOH~!" you raised your hands in the air. "Biiiiitch! Yes!" you turned towards him. "Thank you Gen Thank you!"
You were about to hug him but he raised his hand in order to stop you.
"What are you saying (Y/n)-chan? I had nothing to do with it. You're just very lucky~."
"Ah, right." you scratched your cheek. 'I got ahead of myself there...'

My Own Science (Dr Stone Senku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now