Sorcery duel

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[Fun fact: the reader's cracks circle around her whole arms, starting from the back of her hands to her shoulders.]

Chrome took the five of you to a secondary location, some kind of attic, farther from the village. He said him and Senku would danger the other villagers if they fought right in front of the bridge. But as soon as they got there, he asked him to wait until he gets whatever he needed for his 'sorcery' from his shed.
After that he started a big fire and stood in front of it like some supervillain. While Kohaku, Ginrou and Kinrou were on their guards, a bit scared (or totally freaking out in Ginrou's case) of what's about to come, you and Senku sat down beside each-other to enjoy the show.
"Feast your eyes upon my awesome sorcery!" Chrome finally exclaimed. "Rainbow bridge! I can control the flames at will!"

He discreetly throw something into the fire. With a poof, it changed color, from the usual orange to yellow, then greenish-blue, then purple. While your three fellow primitive humans were freaking out, you looked at Senku to see his reaction. Again, he wasn't in the least impressed.
"Rainbow bridge my ass." he said, making you smile. "These are just plain old flame color reactions. You just tossed salt, copper and sulfur one after another." he stood up, his arms folded. "For the copper, you could've used copper sulfate or something, not like you'd know what that is. The blue crystals you probably swiped from some cave, right?

You looked at Chrome's face, which staid full of confidence for a moment before totally falling into panic mode. You laughed out loud.

"What's that?!" he yelled, looking at Kohaku. "You couldn't possibly think that a cheap trick like this was all there is to my sorcery!"
"I didn't say anything." she bluntly said.
"Wait right here!" he ran inside his shed. "I'm really gonna blow your mind this time! I'm gonna bring something reaaaally insane! Something you can even attack with!"

"It's pretty endearing how much he tries." you smiled.

Chrome came back with a big brown orb that he proceeded to rub his arm on with all his might. Now panting heavily, he walked towards Ginrou and poked his nose, lightly electrocuting him.
"What was that?!?!" he yelled, and cried a bit.

Senku casually took the orb from Chrome's hands to examine it.
"A sulfur ball?" he smiled. "You threw the sulfur bits into a pot and put it over a fire. Then after it cooled down and hardened, you broke just the clay pot surrounding it to create this. That's a great method! You're not that lame after all Chrome!"
"Who you calling lame?!" he glared at him.
"A sulfur orb static electricity generator." Senku continued. "It was originally invented in the 17th century."

"Holly shit!" your eyes widen, impressed, and you looked at the 'sorcerer'. "Chrome! You're a scientist!"
"Huh?!" he frowned, confused to say the least.
"That's crazy!" you smiled widely.

"But you were rubbing it with your hands?" Senku asked as he took his flag. "If you used this leather flag, you'd generate ten billion times more power."
He then took the flag and wrapped it around the orb. Rubbing his hands with it, his hair started going all spiky. Well, more than usual. After that, he touched Chrome's arm, electrocuting him with more power.
"How did you do that?!" Kohaku and Ginrou looked at him in disbelief.
Senku chuckled and tossed the orb at them. Their hair became spiky once they touch it and though Chrome tried to take it away from them, they swiftly dodged him and he fell on the ground.
"You guys having some children's science lab experiment now?" Senku sighed. "Well, they're primitive after all..."

"Senku," you whispered, leaning closer to him. "might be a whole storage of stuff up there." you pointed at Chrome's shed.

He thought for a moment.
"Chrome... Here in this primitive village. Did you think of all of this by yourself? The useful looking minerals and scientific materials, did you collect them all by yourself?"
"That's right! So what if I did?!" Chrome exclaimed. "As a kid, I was always collecting everything around me, and smashing them together, mixing them up, burning them. But if any crazy stuff happened then that was sorcery! What else could it be?!"

"Oh my god Chrome!" you placed a hand on your chest. "You are a scientist!"
"Holly shit that takes me back!" you squeezed your chest. "Ah~ the nostalgia!" you looked at Senku. "Remember when we were young and stupid?"
"You were the stupid one." he smiled.
"Ah~!" you kept smiling at the good ol' days.

Senku looked over at Chrome and his smile soften. He walked up to him and smirked.
"Let me tell you something Chrome! At this rate, you're one of the people who are ten billion percent sure to be killed by Tsukasa. Your only choice is to join the kingdom of science!"
"Welcome!" you stood beside him, smiling brightly at the confused boy.
Senku spared no time and started to climb the ladder to the shed, cackling maniacally.
"And you'll surely want to give this science store-house to the kingdom!"
"Like hell I will you numb-nuts!" Chrome yelled. "Get your ass down!"

"Your contribution is greatly appreciated, thank you~!" you said, bowing slightly.
"Shut up!" he turned back to Senku. "Fine! I challenge you to one last duel! Face me on-on-one!"
"A duel?" Senku hopped off the ladder.
"Yeah! If you lose, you'll kneel before me and apologize and then never set foot in the village! And if you win, then I'll give you everything! Both myself and the store-house!" he made a pose. "Now fight me! With arithmetic!"

"Oh you poor boy." you smiled, actually feeling bad for him.
"Yeah I get the feeling you won't even be a match for him." Kohaku said.

And so it was time for the arithmetic battle. Chrome vs. Senku.

"I'm gonna show you some real insane techniques now!" Chrome yelled. "8 x 8!"
Senku, you and Kohaku easily responded with 64. Chrome was beyond shocked.
"Damn you Senku! You knew this too?!" he shouted. "And why do you know it too Kohaku?!"
"Well, when I'm looking at schools of fish, it's the easiest way to tell how many there are." she explained.
"What about you (Y/n)?!"
"We learnt this in elementary school when we were kids."
He groaned.

"Well then, what about thiiiiis?!" he prepared his next mathematical attack. "83 x 87!"
"How am I supposed to figure that out?!" Kohaku asked.
With one swift step, you hid behind Senku.
"7221." he said like it's nothing.
Chrome fell on his knees, defeated.
"C'mon Chrome." Senku picked his ear. "You were trying to show off this totally useless speed calculation method right? It can work in a very specific situation: When the ones place add up to 10 and when the tens place are the same number. You could even do it half asleep."
He then proceeded to showcase all the mathematical formulas he could think of.

"Wow." you looked down at an almost passed out Chrome. "You fucking crushed him dude!" you smiled.
"What's the point?!" Kinrou asked. "What use does that arithmetic have in a fight?!"
"A-Analyzing battle power! You could do that!" Chrome said, recovering quickly.
"It could be useful when we split into teams as well." Kohaku started thinking. "For example, not to brag, but assuming my battle power is...1000. Kinrou would be 500. Ginrou would be 100. Chrome would be 5."
"You're seriously underestimating me way too much!" he protested.
"Senku would be 3."
"Kukuku, well if you're not counting science, that's about right."
"And...I haven't had the chance to see you using your strength (Y/n)."
"Oh girl, I'm like a 4." you chuckled.

"Your point is valid Kohaku." Kinrou said. "But your numbers are way off."
"If that's true then I apologize. But first..." she took a staff. "How about you all team up right now and let's find out?"
"Yeah nope." you took a step back. "I can't fight for shit."
"That's impossible to win!" Chrome yelled.
"Ufufufu that's a great idea." Ginrou gripped on his spear. "This IS Kohaku we're up against. So I'd hardly consider it unfair."

"Well, she completely kicked your asses." you giggled, looking at the four men, piled up on each-other.
"You don't have to rub it in (Y/n)~." Ginrou moaned in pain.
"I... told you guys. It's impossible." Chrome managed to say.
"500 + 100 + 5 + 3 is way smaller than 1000." Senku mumbled. "It's simple arithmetic."
"G...Got it." Kinrou said.
You chuckled and went to get water for them.

"Weirdly enough," you said to yourself. "feels like this whole thing brought us closer as people."

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